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R5 firmware update 1.52 just released


Looks it?



I updated my R5 (and my R6's) with the new firmware yesterday.  So far, I have noticed no issues or changes - mind you, the changes don't seem to be wide ranging or earth-shaking.  Most likely, a lot depends on how you use your camera.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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Trevor,  Most of my photography is wildlife ..... I love movement and speed so a lot of Birds flying....Love my R5...have gotten shots that never would have happened I am hoping that the improvements in the eye detection will improve my tracking...My main concern....Have already downloaded the firmware so I am going to go for it....Many Thanks & Cheers to you 🙂 PS I love your quotes

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@BAS2 wrote:

Looks it?

We have been shooting a lot of BIF lately with both the R5 and R6 and it helped with tracking. We updated the day it came out, maybe 4 or 5 days ago, so I've given it a good workout. I've seen two different descriptions of what 1.5.2 improved. One said it addressed tracking (Canon Japan) and one didn't mention it (the U.S. d/l page for our cameras).

All I know is that I am getting better results from eye and tracking in general since 1.5.2 was installed. I have to assume it was the update since I haven't changed my technique.


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Hi and thanks for your comments.  Obviously, we share a love of wildlife and the R5! 😊

I have limited opportunity to do much wildlife photography right now - we are experiencing a surge in COVID with 20k infections a day in a population of 5 million, so I am staying at home a lot right now.   If you are able to go out and do some shooting, I think it would be great to add some comments as to the effectiveness of the new firmware.

Thanks for the comments on my quotes - it's a big thing for me.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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Trevor so sorry your wildlife encounters are limited right now...Hope that passes quickly as possible. If the skies clear and we get over the storms predicted this week, we will be back on the road again and will certainly comment...We are lucky to be in a migration flyway so we have our fingers crossed for days without rain...Be Safe!


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Newton that is great news...Many Thanks! will be updating tonight....:-)

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This is an addendum to my previous post.

I just checked the Canon U.S.A. description for the R5 1.5.2 update, and it now mentions eye tracking stability, which is what I was having trouble with, not terrible, but it was noticeable.

Maybe I was out in the ozone when I read it before. I tend to do maintenance and editing in the wee hours 😜


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Same here Newton...small but noticeable issues....not quite I am excited at the new possibilities...

LOL I understand about the wee hours ...



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My wife and I have been shooting Swallow-tailed Kites over our porch for the past couple of weeks during their migration. They are a pretty big bird with a 4 foot wingspan but they generally fly about 150-200 feet up, sometimes farther. I can really see the difference in sharpness after 1.5.2 and you can see it happening in the EVF by how much better the FP's switch to keep up with the target. I have the case set up to lock hard (-2) and hand off fast. These birds glide and scan, then just drop at a high rate of speed, so they are hard to track. 1.5.2 does much better at predicting, but it's still not perfect. My wife uses the R6 and RF 100-400mm and I'm using the R5 and RF 100-500mm L.


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Trevor Hi! We had a bit of sunshine on the 23rd so went out for a short photo trip. Winds were about 18 mph and the waves at the reservoir included whitecaps but we saw some Grebes and a Merganser so it was worthwhile..Shot everything with tracking on my 100-400 11 with 1.4 111 just to check it out.... and I am pleased to say that I definitely noticed an improvement with the new 1.52 update firmware....all of that movement with the tracking would have been a problem before but the number of keepers was great ...the non keepers were mostly because of my movements as I was shooting from the car out the window (no Is)with  just a good bean bag..Loading a sample of a Pied Grebe for reference...Barb Sorry I have to learn to resize for this group...Pied GrebePied Grebe



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Hi Newton,

Just letting you know that all went well and I definitely noticed improvement...any problems were mostly my movement not camera issues. Now I am dreaming of the RF100-500 next ..


I sent Trevor a Pic so I will send another for you...Just a strolling Gull from the same date...Strutting GullStrutting Gull



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Well to my Senior eyes (which are not the best) it looked okay but not perfect and it was definitely better than in the past before the yes there is an improvement...motion blur? as I mentioned, the wind and waves were at 18 mph and everything including me (I often slip when holding the camera)  was rocking sitting on a high bank and the Gull pic was just a quickie   so I likely did not have the head as it should have been  ....This was just a test run to check on the difference....not to impress anyone...shutter speed was I said this was not on a tripod or remote which are ALWAYS better for me..I only posted for information purposes...not to argue..not in competition with anyone else, I only shoot for myself..... but I do appreciate constructive criticism as I am always trying to improve..

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Am posting this today because I truly believe from looking at the raw files as well. that the problems seen in my posted pictures were not the fault of the camera or the update 1.52.

My apologies to the community for not checking the pics better before posting …..

First, as I already mentioned, there were other factors involved and after “sleeping on it” I also realized that photo editing was also responsible for some of the softness so I am re-posting the original posted pic along with a newly edited copy from the same raw original for comparison. There is still a bit of softness but I still maintain it is more caused by me than the camera..also I just started using CRaw so the verdict is still out on that for me…... and admittedly, for my eyes, I use blue light filters on my monitor and glasses both, which may (or not) make my view different too. Not claiming perfection or wishing for an endless conversation on this but simply hoping to present a little more clarification and also not wanting to discourage any others from installing this update from what they have seen in my edited & sizedre edited & sizedfirst postfirst post

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Can you  confirm that your shutter speed was 1/8000 sec?  That's maxing out the shutter and should stop any movement by the camera or the bird.  What lens were  you using?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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HI Trevor,

Having a hard time getting pics down to the right size, I am used to using larger ones ....This screenshot was the only way I could copy so far and it is a partial of the info pasted on top of PART of the original raw which I blackened a bit to make the script more readable....I read the info every time I edit but never had to copy before so this is all new to me...sorry about that...Hope you will be able to read it...BarbGrebewxif2..png 

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Wow.  Those are all quite high numbers: 560mm, 1/8000., ISO5000

I think using the 1.4x TC may have had a significant impact on your image.  While you brought the into a smaller FoV, I think it does create some complications.  You were locked into f/8 and that dictated higher numbers.  That said, I would have thought that 1/8000 would eliminate any chance of camera shake, and the R5 should be able to handle ISO-5000 OK.  Did you use animal eye tracking?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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Yes I did use Animal Eye Tracking as a matter of fact I have three Back buttons for all of that. one for animal eye detect "tracking",one main one for Zone and one for spot.. Well Guys I may have surprise for you ( I hope)....Today I shot WITHOUT the TC completely, lowered accel/decel tracking in Case two, shot with the 1.6 factor instead of full and left the IS on (with new lens firmware) ...all of which allowed me to lower #'s ...Have not had time to edit the raw shots yet today  but as soon as I do will post something...I went through them on the camera and had some lovely we shall see what happens on the computer...TY for all the inspiration...Cheers until later.... Barb

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Hmmm.  Even given that the images are significantly downsized to get on to the site, it still looks to me as if the bird's eye is not sharp - I am not sure if it is in focus (with AET it should be), of if there was some other factor.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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Yes I did use Animal Eye Tracking as a matter of fact I have three Back buttons for all of that. one for animal eye detect "tracking",one main one for Zone and one for spot.. Well Guys I may have surprise for you ( I hope)....Today I shot WITHOUT the TC completely, lowered accel/decel tracking in Case two, shot with the 1.6 factor instead of full and left the IS on (with new lens firmware) ...all of which allowed me to lower #'s ...Have not had time to edit the raw shots yet today  but as soon as I do will post something...I went through them on the camera and had some lovely we shall see what happens on the computer...TY for all the inspiration...Cheers until later.... Barb

At least the AF point was square on this head 😉 Newton & Trevor thanks to your suggestions I am seeing new possibilities with DPP and the camera settings...TY! Not perfect but getting better..Just changed the diopter adjustment last night...Much clearer now which may help all of this too..._D4A1404.png

I agree with Ernie, the 1.4x III is probably your biggest problem with this shot, they always soften things up, but those numbers, as stated, are way high.  It would be interesting to see where your focus points are. If you bring your Raw file into DPP, you can turn those points on. You have to take a screenie to let us see this, but that shouldn't be a problem. As for resizing to post, you can also do that in DPP by cropping your Raw and going to the "file" pulldown and selecting "convert and save". Then just go to the bottom of the dialog box and specify a width and height. You can also select to add EXIF data. Some of us have plugins for our browsers that allow us to see that data in the image you post or we can simply download the image and see it in our editors. Be forewarned that some data that you may not want to reveal may be included, like the camera or lens serial. It doesn't concern me and I have it turned on.


DPP 4 Export EXIF.jpg

Many Thanks Newton, I will work on those as soon as I have the time..sounds good to me...Wrote a note to Trevor about what I am up to right now in case you are interested...

Okay this was my first try following your instructions...pretty easy since you already pointed it out ...Both you and Trevor have been so patient and kind with your information all is very much appreciated.. will be  breaking some old habits as I go along...Now I am looking forward to the RF 100-500 ...Many Thanks! Hope you can see the embedded info ???? FYI the AF point was a tad off of the eye as you are probably thinking already..._D4A1755_2.png

Sorry Barb, I honestly can't see the image you said you sent to me.  Was it via a PM?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Hi Trevor, I really need practice uploading to this site LOL Hopefully you will get the two this time...





Hello, Barb!

How far were you away from the Pied-billed Grebe and how much are you cropping? Just curious 🙂


Hi Newton,

Well I  was sitting on a bank that was probably 10 ft up from the water and the Grebe was swimming probably 20-30 ft out in the water...not sure how much cropping but a lot..this is about 100% image display..on DPP...

Was in a small car so add a few more feet to that.....
