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R5 Memory card settings, where it saves to switches at random


My Wife an I both have an R5, Both of us are experiencing the same situation with the settings will change on us of which card the video or image will save to. 
We will set it to Save to Card 1 (CFX) save the setting via C1-C3 (whatever one we are using) with the setting that it auto saves settings to whatever we last used. 

After a shoot and pulling out the card to memory dump 1 time or maybe it takes 3 to 4 times it will change the setting to only record photos or Video files to card 2 

This has become an issue as of late and we were seeing if there was a solution out there?


When you open and close the door to the memory card slot, the red LED will flash when you close the door, even with the power switched off.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."