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R5 Freezing up After Firmware 1.5 Update...


I've heard this is an issue, and I experienced it yesterday while shooting some birds. My R5 locked up about 5 times in a row during one session. Each time I took the battery out and it froze repeatedly. Eventually it stopped, but I was not too pleased. Are others having this issue, is canon going to fix it, and is there a way to go back to version 1.4 as an interim solution?


Thanks for your posting. I was traveling and didn't have the benefit of this forum when I upgraded from V1.3 to V1.5. The R5 became very glitchy. It was awful - it locked up/shut off/came back many times per hour, Animal Eye wouldn't track and showed all kinds of boxes instead of the small square boxes.

A friend suggested resetting the camera. I reset "Basic settings" and that cleared up the problems. However, then I had to go through and redo the back button assignments etc so that was accomplished over several days as the need for a particular feature showed itself (like putting the thumb control of the focus spot on the upper right section of the display). 

Resetting the camera and losing all the programmed preferences shouldn't be necessary. But the R5 has shot several thousand images since then without any glitches.


I responded to Niccole above about resetting the camera. At least that worked for me, and could be considered as an option to try before sending the camera back to Canon.


Just updated  R5 to ver 1.5- multiple freeze ups- never occurred prior to this update. Multiple users on FM  Canon forum with similar posts. I tried both methods posted for reverting back to 1.4 but was unsuccessful. Canon customer service claims only Canon service can revert firmware. Camera is on its way to Costa Mesa with Canon pre-paid UPS label. This is not good PR for an expensive new rig. R6 having same issues with this update

Hazel thanks for the note. The issue is not a memory card or battery or lens. The issue is becoming well documented now by many canon r5/6 owners. Sending the camera in for repair is a statement that there is something wrong with the firmware. Canon needs to fix the firmware rapidly and if anyone is forced to send their camera in, Canon should cover any and all expenses related to that process regardless of warranty status of the camera. This is not the fault of the camera owners, it is bad software released by Canon.

FWIW, low-level formatting didn't fix the issue for me.


I use 2 Canon EOS R5's.

A couple of days ago I did a shoot with only 1 of these camera's. It locked up about 10-15 times in a 4 hour shoot. Removing the battery solves the issue for a (short) while. Waiting for about half a minute seems to make the camera operational as well.

I can't have this behavior when I'm on a high paced assignment like a wedding. So I "downgraded" this camera to 1.4.0. I'm keeping the other one (the older one) on 1.5.0 to see if it's bound to the camera or not.

Prior to the downgrade I contacted Canon CPS (Belgium) about this. None of my questions were answered, their reply was "send it in". I'm not going to do that.

Low-level formatting the CF Express cards didn't help for me. I'll try formatting both cards (CFE and SD) after the next lockup.

The R5 doesn't allow downgrading the firmware.

I’ve had multiple freeze occurrences.  I largely followed the advice above, then sent my brand new camera in for service.  I’ve been told there’s no issue with camera - maybe it’s my brand new RF adapter.  If it happens again, send in the whole setup.  I’m not happy.  


May I ask how everyone is charging their batteries, USB in camera or wall charger with the battery pulled? Grip or no grip? I just started to charge via USB and my R5 froze for a few seconds today then unfroze itself and began working fine. 

That's very annoying indeed, sorry to hear that.
FWIW, my camera has locked up with RF lenses (so without adapter) as well.
