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Odd blocking and discoloration around Pictures when viewed on computer from R5 Mark ii

Rising Star
Rising Star

Odd blocking and discoloration around Pictures when viewed on computer from R5 Mark ii when view on the computer. I never had this problem when I loaded to my computer with the M50 so I am unsure why this is doing this but it makes it hard to choose pictures to edit. It does not show when I go into Lr or in the Canon program but I don't want to load hundreds of pictures into Lr and the Canon program makes no sense to me and I can't find a selection to move pictures to Lr that I like. I have included some pictures. Also some pictures are not showing up full sized on the computer. Thank you for any help given.


Accepted Solutions


Have you tried FastStone Image Viewer instead of Microsoft's image viewer? Should be what you are looking for.

View solution in original post




The blocks are masked pixels and almost all raw files from Canon have masked pixels. Raw files from 1Ds don't.

Your M50 for example has 264 columns of masked pixels to the left.

I did see this after I had posted, but I am inexperienced enough that I do not understand what it means or how to correct it. Could you break it doing into lunkhead speech? Thank you.

Your image viewer doesn't know how to read the raw file, but DPP and Lightroom know.

To make it simple a raw converter needs to set the black and white level, crop the image, set the white balance, remove hot pixels, reconstruct clipped highlights if not all channels are clipped and prevent the highlights from turning magenta, demosaic the Bayer pattern, add a color matrix. After those steps the raw file is ready to be edited by you.

The picture you shared is clearly lacking the cropping part and the black/white level. It is demosaiced and I think that the white balance is turned on.

More about black level here

Masked pixels are also called optical black.

You haven't shared any raw files, but I guess that the files are fine and that the issue is your image viewer. If you convert a CR3 file to DNG, does it look normal?

In light room. It does yes, I do not know how to do it otherwise. I will read the link when I get home,  I am on cellphone right now. Thank you very much for the help. I have to figure out how to get it to let me view them.

I am trying to understand that article, but it is so far beyond me it is not even funny. I have had problems with numbers all my life. But on to another question, why does it not work with the R5 Mark ii but works fine with my M50? I know I am not understanding something and I am trying, but my brain just locks when it comes to numbers. I tried to post a raw file but .CR3 is not supported. What do I have to do to make the files on the R5 Mark ii work? I can't deal with having to transfer everything to Lr every time I want to look at pictures to decide what I want to edit, when I am shooting wildlife I am shooting thousands at a time. Thanks again, feeling desperate here. The file 2Z8A0626.CR3 is not one of the supported image types: .jpg,.JPG,.jpeg,.JPEG,.gif,.GIF,.png,.PNG. this is what I get when I try to share a raw, I only shoot in raw

I tried to share a raw file as I said but it will not allow me, raw does not even show as an accepted file in the list that came up. Is there a program that will do this? I do not know enough to get into the camera and do all of that and I don't want to void the warranty. I simply don't understand and feel like an idiot right now.



Is it Microsoft image viewer you are using? In that case you will have to wait until someone updates it. If the file viewer is using a library from Libraw it may take a year. Use something else meanwhile.

To share raw files you just use a filehost, like Google Drive, WeTransfer.

Thank you. Yes, I think that is what I am using. Figures, the one thing I have left in life I enjoy and now I can't even enjoy that, I am sick of this world.

Rising Star
Rising Star

I still can't figure out how to make the pictures work, I don't get it, all I want to do is enjoy my hobby and this new program won't allow it even though it did before the update with at least the M50 now I can't view anything and can't figure out how to make anything work. Why did they change a program that worked perfectly fine to begin with to something that won't work? I can't look at any of my pictures without loading them into Lr which is a pain because then it is hard to go through them at all because when I try to move through them they jump 30 of 40 pictures at  a time. It has gone from a hobby I enjoyed to absolute hatred at this point.
