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New Rebel t3i


I just purchased a Rebel t3i from amazon and it will be here around the end of the month. I was wondering if there was anything I need to know about the camera or dSLR's in general, because this is my first digital camera since a point-and-shoot Kodak in 2007.


The reason for this may depend on what mode you're shooting in (Av, Tv, M, P etc). If your in one of the semi-auto modes (Av, Tv) where the camera is making some of the decisions for you, it could be that you've chosen a setting that requires an extremely long exposure - 1 second or more - giving you the feeling that its locked up.


In low light situations this may happen often - and you'll need to adjust one of the three settings (shutter speed, aperture or ISO) to get a proper exposure.


Again, depending on what mode your using, both the problem and the solution may be different.





Is it possible that you are getting a blink redlight beside the number 6 when this happens?


1.)  Learning sources:


"Read the manual" is good advice, but I found that when I was getting started the manual didn't really help much.  It is aimed at telling people who already know how to use a DSLR where to find the particular buttons on the particular camera.  If  you don't know what the buttons are or what they do, it is of limited value to know where they are.


You can buy a guide book for the T3i, such as "T3i for Dummies", or several others out there.  That helps a LOT.


Or even better might be instructional videos.  You can buy video guides to the T3i also.  Something about watching someone do something is (for me anyway) much easier to comprehend than a written page.  Google for it.  You can also get a million FREE amateur tutorials on the T3i on Google Videos.  Just enter a search like "Canon T3i tips tutorial" and you will see plenty of little 3 to 5 minute videos made by regular folks.  Some are better than others, of course.


2.)  Theory:

Just learn and understand the "exposure triangle".  That simple diagram is the framework on which you will hang every other thing you ever learn about photography.  Photography actually means "recording light" (basically) and the "triangle" is about the 3 things you can influence about how much light gets onto your sensor and what it looks like when it gets there.

Duration, Intensity, and Sensitivity.  That's it.


Duration = how long the camera is open to allow in light = shutter speed (Tv).

Intensity = how wide open or narrowly open is the camera = aperature (Av).

Sensitivity = how sensitive to light (amplified) is your sensor setting = ISO


Everything is a compromise though.  You generally cannot choose the best of all 3 in one shot.  Have you ever seen a sign at someone's business that says "You can have it Fast, or you can have it done Right, or you can have it done at a low Price.  PICK ANY 2."  It is like that.


Canon 5d mk 4, Canon 6D, EF 70-200mm L f/2.8 IS mk2; EF 16-35 f/2.8 L mk. III; Sigma 35mm f/1.4 "Art" EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro; EF 85mm f/1.8; EF 1.4x extender mk. 3; EF 24-105 f/4 L; EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS; 3x Phottix Mitros+ speedlites

Why do so many people say "FER-tographer"? Do they take "fertographs"?

Learn how to shoot in M, TV & AV mode.  Why get a camera like that and shoot in the generic modes?  Here is a link to a great book that is written specifically for this camera.  The guy goes through all of the options and recommended settings and even gives you things to do for practice. 


Canon EOS Rebel T3i/600D: From Snapshots to Great Photos by Jeff Revell



Here's some info:


We filmed 2 videos using a Canon t3i with Magic Lantern firmware and were able to get some stunning results!


The first video was filmed in the souk of Beirut:


The second is a stop-motion shot at night with at least 4 seconds of open exposure and heavy laser play:
