New 70d

Santa brought me a new 70D. All I can say is awesome. Will spend the day getting to know the camera. I am also a 7D owner so a smaller learning curve I am sure.

Wow what you guys are saying is almost too good to believe. My reason for asking this I'm thinking of upgrading to a 70D from the SX-50 I have been using for doing wildlife photography. Many of the prettiest waterfowl are very shy of humans so they will move to the other side of the lake (usually about 200 feet away - out of reach for a quality photo). I can see myself setting this up on a tripod, moving away, and wait till they swim back again within view of the camera. With this kind of feature who needs a 800mm lens for those type of situations.

Karl great minds think alike, I too have been thinking about all the wildlife possibilities with the 70D.  
