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My new 7D gets very dark pics indoors when using "automatic" settings. Whats wrong?


My new Canon 7D gets very dark pics indoors when everything is set on "Automatic".  So did my 60D, which i traded in for the 7D because of disappointing dark pics when on "Automatic".  This happens with the built-in flash, and also with my 430EX II external flash.

What am I doing wrong?  I would like to make it work properly on "Automatic".





Auto ISO will increase ISO if the camera detect the shutter speed slower than 1/focal lenght. But it doesn't take into account IS and other things. 🙂 But with newer camera, you can set the minimum shutter speed.

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@hsbn wrote:

Auto ISO will increase ISO if the camera detect the shutter speed slower than 1/focal lenght. But it doesn't take into account IS and other things. 🙂 But with newer camera, you can set the minimum shutter speed.

That's interesting, thanks.  So the camera first sets speed and aperture, based on what mode it's in, then sets the ISO if it's still not exposed properly?

It WAS the exposure compensation! Didn't think to look there because I didn't change it, but somebody definitely did! Thanks so much for the help--the 6D is back to taking properly lit pix!!! 🙂

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On many bodies it's a very easy thing to change Exposure Compensation without intending to or knowing you did BUT once you realioze the exposures aren't quite right it should be the first thing you check & use.


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