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My 60d has begun to randomly display extreme oof issues.



Can you give us some more information?

Ok , so basically it is very random, happens with all lenses, aperatures, SS. It looks like extreme motion blur, as if I'm trying to shoot a picture with no IS at a low SS while walking. There have also been a couple of shots where the picture is 2/3 cut off by a broad white border on two sides ( bottom & left) I bought the camera in 2011 so my year is up ( warranty) I'm hoping my local camera repair guy can fix it, does anyone have an idea of what could be going on with it?

What lens are you using it with? are you taking photo on tripod with IS on?
Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

Tamron 70-300mm f/3.5- 5.6 vc sp: is on shutter speed 250-800, hand held. Canon 200mm f/2.8 L SS 1000 hand held _HH(no is) canon 18-135 mm kit is,HH, SS 260-800.
Please Understand, this is happening intermittently. I have been using this camera since June 2011 and have many beautiful shots in fine focus using my methods. I took some college photography courses back when I had no IS and use good technique. I can take 15 good pics, then without changing any of the specs, and its not windy, everything in the image is out of focus. I check the cameras settings try again same thing. Turn off camera sometimes it begins working properly again. Most of the times it's happened recently is when I first turn on the camera.

I'm wondering if there's a connection to the focus function in the camera and a movable mirror which could become stuck or unhinged.