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Mark III Viewfinder dark


Hello, I just got my camera back from being professionally cleaned. I went to a wrestling match to take photos and my viewfinder is dark, hard to focus on subjects. I tried different lenses also same result. Any help is greatly appreciated. And yes if its not a quick fix or setting issue I will take it back... Thanks



Mark lll WHAT? 1 D3 or 5D3 etc. The 1 series has a built in door that can be closed via a lever so that no light leaks in if an eye isn't pressed against the viewfinder. Other bodies usually include a small plastic part you insert & remove as needed. It has a slot to fit on the camera strap so it's always with you.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Sorry 5D3, I will look for that

I don't think you will find a quick fix. (there is no eyepiece shutter lever on the 5D Mk III)


1) Your may have a problem with the transparent LCD overlay in your Viewfinder:


Remove the camera battery and you should see the viewfinder get very dark and out of focus.  If your viewfinder does not change when the battery is out, your camera may have been damaged while cleaning.


2) Your Depth of Field Preview button may be stuck:


Mount a fairly fast lens, like f/2.8, and stop it down to f/16 while pressing the depth of field preview button. It should get much darker.  If it doesn't get darker, your DOF button may be stuck on. 


3) Bad lens comminication:


One lens with a bad electronic aperture can cause the same symptom you have. You have tried different lenses with the same result so it could be possible that your camera has a bad electronic connection with the lens mount, which causes all your lenses to lose aperture comminication with the camera. 




Mike Sowsun

Thank you for your help. I contacted the company that cleaned it. They told me to bring it back in

Please let us know how it resolved. 

Mike Sowsun

@chewdog wrote:
Thank you for your help. I contacted the company that cleaned it. They told me to bring it back in

Next time, let Canon clean it. I hate to sound sycophantic, but you probably won't be sorry.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Got my camera back today working properly. They said there was nothing wrong with the camera and that maybe the lens pins weren't lining up (which I find to be BS). When I brought it back to the camera store Friday two sales people looked at it and tried different lens and both said they have never seen this and was sent to the tech . The tech who originally cleaned it said there was nothing wrong. Just happy its working again

Will do