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Live view eos utility with off brand flash

I have a canon camera and I'm using off camera yonguou flashes. I want to use the eos utility for remote shooting with exposure set to no ambient light. for example shooting inside at f8 at 1/60 of a second. When I try to use love view of course the only thing I can see is black but is there some way to see live view with a simulated lower shutterspeed or high iso or something so I can see what I'm doing or is that not an option. I know I can see the picture after I take it but was hoping I could compose my shots better. any ideas?

What kind of Canon camera, and what are you using to trigger the Yongnuos? I think what you're looking for is a modeling light, so you need to know whether the remote flashes or the trigger have such a capability and whether the camera knows how to turn it on. I'd say you'll need to spend some time with the instruction manuals of all the components of your system. And there's a very good book (whose name I don't recall offhand) on using flash that several of the regulars in this forum profess to swear by. One of them will mention it, and you may want to give it a look.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Well I don't have problems with the taking photos or triggering my lights. In using a canon t3i with 3 yonguou yn560 iv and a yn560 tx transmitter to control my flashes. I also am using a seksonic flash meter and I'm getting good results. But right now with the canon eos utility I am having to drop the shutter speed way down to focus my shot using my mouse on the eos utility and then move the shutter speed back to what I want it to be for the right exposure to take my shot

@Pnkfloid49 wrote:
Well I don't have problems with the taking photos or triggering my lights. In using a canon t3i with 3 yonguou yn560 iv and a yn560 tx transmitter to control my flashes. I also am using a seksonic flash meter and I'm getting good results. But right now with the canon eos utility I am having to drop the shutter speed way down to focus my shot using my mouse on the eos utility and then move the shutter speed back to what I want it to be for the right exposure to take my shot

People who shoot the night skies and stars do that, too.  It's time consuming, but that is how it should be done under some extreme circumstances.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."