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Just bought a new R50 - question about monitoring audio during video recording


I've had DSLRs in the past, but this is my first mirrorless camera and my first with a video recording capability (yes, my other cameras are VERY old!). Anyway, here's my question. I want to use a shoe-mounted boom mic for recording and listen through headphones while recording. I know there is no audio output on the camera, but are there boom mics with a monitor output? I've looked at several, and none of them have headphone outputs. Is there such a beast? Or is there another way to do it? 



I found this one (Shure VP83F LensHopper) and found a used one on eBay. Hope this works. 

Rising Star
Rising Star

To not be limited to the microphone itself, especially if it has to be used gear, you can also consider getting a Beachtek adapter.  This is what you would use to connect a professional shotgun/boom microphone that has XLR output to the camera, and also the adapter would have a headphone output for you to at least monitor the signal coming from the microphone before it goes into the camera.

Yes.  That one, or there are other models that have different connections and features too.
