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I’m having issues getting images from my M50


I bought a second hand M50 and it works perfectly the only issue is that i use both RAW and JPEG for my content and when I went to transfer the images from my SD card to my online drive both of my Windows Laptop couldn’t read the images, it ‘couldn’t support the type of content/ image’ and this was with most of the JPEG images.

im not sure why is this the case.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi NMercedes,

One thing to try with an issue like this would be to try a different import method. So if you used an SD card reader try using import software or vice versa. If you need import software ours is available HERE. Once you are on the web page click on the Software & Drivers button and the current version is EOS Utility 3.15.20 for Windows.

One other thing to try would be to try opening the JPG images in different software. It could be your online drive might not have the codecs to read the files correctly. If you need image software ours is available on the same web page I linked above and the current version is Digital Photo Professional 4.16.11 for Windows.
