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How to photograph a harvest moon lunar eclipse


We have a harvest moon/lunar eclipse tomorrow night that I would really like to try and photograph.


I have a T4i with three lenses:  EFS 18-55mm; 75-300mm and a high def 0.43X Super Wide Angle w/ Macro Japan Optics.  Can anyone guide me as to which lens would be best and how to set up the camera to get some interesting shots.  I have a tripod.  Not sure how to use "live" mode and I am not well versed when it comes to anything other than the automatic settings -- i.e., ISO, shutter speed, etc.  Anyone willing to teach this old dog some new tricks?  Thanks.  


Some information about shooting the Blood Moon.

I have work early in the morning, but if I would have had the time I would have taken pictures like these ones and put them together

cool pics!

we'll see what I got tomorrow . . . I could get nothing once the moon was the darker colo -- kind of bummed, what a gorgeous night, albeit cool with a good breeze, but it is clear as a bell, so many stars and that beautiful moon -- I hope I never forget this mental picture.  Thanks for trying to help me everyone . . . 

It was well over 10 stops difference!  It was windy and I hope that did not effect the longer exposures. I am d/l them to LR right now.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

I had clouds... lots and lots of clouds.   But in the moments when I managed just brief glimpses of the moon I was at 12 stops.  I haven't unloaded the camera yet to see if anything is salvageable.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

No clouds Tim but it was windy.  The big heavy Sigma S was being moved around quite a bit.  I had the ef 70-200mm f2.8 on the 1Ds Mk III.  A little work in Lightroom and  ...............................


EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

Before ...........



EOS 1D Mk IV.  SIgma S 150-600mm @ 600mm, f11, 1/100, 125 ISO, 0.0 EV.

This is the 'Looney 11 Rule' for shooting a full Moon.



EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

After .........




EOS 1D Mk IV with Sigma 150-600mm S @600mm, f6.3, 1/3s, 3200 ISO, 0.0 EV.   This is not the Looney 11 Rule !


EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

Airplane !




EOS 1Ds Mk III with ef 70-200mm f2.8L IS II @ 105mm, f4, 20sec., 1600 ISO, 0.0 EV.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

Not sure how to attach a pic, but I certainly didn't get any more than my best shots of the moon ever. I had taken a few shots of the super moon rising, but never looked at them on the screen -- they never came out! I was able to shoot the moon for awhile then gave up at 10:30! None of my pics have any color . . . geez, I probably changed a setting to black and white!! Never fear, my Nat Geo photography course DVD's arrived today . . . 🙂 Thanks for all your responses and the beautiful pictures that inspire me to get better.