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Having trouble with autofocus on 7D mark II

I cannot seem to get auto focus to work in any kind of tracking for stills or video and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I have my camera set to AI Servo mode, but it doesn't follow any action. I can auto focus by half depressing the shutter, but then have to keep doing that to refocus. When I first got the camera, this seemed to work, I can't imagine what I did or what I'm supposed to do to get it working again. I have tried playing with the AF-ON button, the M-Fn and that new toggle switch on the back, but nothing seems to engage it. I really want this to work for video, but as I said, I can't seem to get it going for stills either. I'm sure it is something really stupid on my part. Any help would be appreciated. And yes, my lenses have been set to AF!

Hi Digital,


yes I was using Zone AF when shot in low ligth conditions 

So now I enable one shot, case 1 ( versatile) definition multi-fins, AF servo priority (focus)

and just enable Point AF


So using the same configuration ( 1/250, ISO 1600 and flash on camera did some tests


So almos the same, when I shot 1 person 2 meters distance of camera sometimes the camera chose background to focus...


Of course that if I have time, I can correct it using manual focus or doing + 3 or 4 shots on the same scene changind a lithe bit the direction of focus.


So, with a good ligth conditions 10 in 10 shots ok without any problem...


what do you recomend ?


Thank you for the help and Regards

AF assist from your flash is not enabdled in AI Servo. I reccomend One Shot for that situation.  

This is interresting. Is there any DSLR out there capable of any continuous shooting and servo focusing in poor light conditions and using any flash beam (without is should be nearly impossible)? I didn't know this was even possible at date!!!

Asaugusto, did you have any better experience shooting in the same light conditions that the AF issue you are experimenting with the 7DM2 but with other camera in the APS-C domain?

I am asking because this is not my area, but would love to learn on this subject.


Hi Ricci,


The only one camera that I have to try it is my old 60D...

Its good you ask me about that because I try use the same flash+scene+apperture+speed using 60D and its OK about focus.

I forgot to mention it but this is why I started to think that an issue comes with my 7D ( or I cannot use it as well I use 60D due to my experience)... its also an option.


I will to something:


Reset my 7D MK II from fabric configuration and start from zero using a 50mm STM (new) lens in the same light conditions

and also read again the manual about focus... lets see whats happen.


I will post the results tomorrow


Thank you for the help and Regards


I don't know much about other camera manufacturers. In one shot the AF assist ligths up briefly to help assist then shuts off

before the acutal exposure. AI Servo uses focus trakcing and predictive focus altgorihtms which would require the AF assist light to be on at all times. Depending on flash power you might have red patterns in the images not to mention the drain on the batteries. You may not see the patterns on your subject all the time but might show up on surrounding people, etc.   


I can't say what the difference is betweeen the 60D and the 7D2 but in low light "critical" shots I'd be on one shot, single point and using the AF assist light.


I have owned the 20, 30, 40, 50, 7D and 5D, 5D2 now own the 7D2 and 5D3. I have never owned a camera like the 7D2 before. Zone is outstanding and I use it for birds in flght, etc all the time but I'm not sure how much I'd like the AF points bouncing all over the place for key shots in low light - but I have never really tried it. I have no issues shooting higher ISO but I nornally use my 5D3 for that. I have never tried zone on my 5D's becuase I perfer to place my AF point.   


Might be OK in one shot but I would not use not use zone. I don't use vidoe so I can't comment there.      


asaugusto. Try single point and then try expansion. Three are 2 modes. 4 and 8 extra assist points. You can still move them around just like single point but the centre point is the primary AF point. More AF assist points for the AF assist light to pick up. I have never tried it myself. Careful not to swirch to small zone because that is the next one after expansion - surrounding points.         

I am also having no luck with the tracking auto focus feature....I am wondering if those of you having trouble are using the L lenses on 7Dio, which has a cropped sensor....?

I noticed that when I used my 17-55 F2.8 the tracking focus worked like a champ but not so with the 2 L their a communication problem between the L lenses and the 7Dio?


I use two 7DII with a number of different lenses, some of which are L-series. No problems. They work as well or better on 7DII than on any Canon cameras I've ever used them on (about a dozen different camera models, over the past 15 years).


If anything, L-series are the best performing lenses.


Tell use more about how yourself and how you've set the camera up.


Are you new to using the camera? If so, what cameras have you used before?


What focus mode are you using? (One Shot, AI Servo, AI Focus)


What focus pattern are you using? (All Points, Large Zone, Small Zone, 4-point Expansion, 8-point expansion, Single Points, High-Precision Spot Focus Single Point)


Have you adjusted or modified any of the focus related customization features? Or have you selected one of the "Cases"?


Also, what specific lenses are you having trouble with?


7DII is a fairly complex and advanced camera. Like most pro-oriented cameras, it has relatively little automation, requires some effort and practice to learn to use really well (unlike more entry-level models designed for inexperienced users, with lots of automated features). If you are new to 7DII and haven't used similar cameras in the past, it can be pretty challenging at first. Canon has a 50 page instruction PDF downloadable on their website, just for the 7DII's autofocus system. Set correctly, it works brilliantly. But due to the complexity it's also easy to set wrong, in which case you'll struggle to get poorly focused results. 


Sure, it's possible that something is wrong with the camera. But frankly, that's pretty unlikely. Lots of people are using 7DII without any problems, so it's more likely that you're setting up something incorrectly. In fact I'd wager that 9 out of 10 "focus problems" are no fault of the camera, but are the user doing something wrong.


Hopefully we can help you. But to do so we need some additional info about how you're using the camera.



Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif., USA
"Walk softly and carry a big lens."
GEAR: 5DII, 7DII (x2), 7D(x2) some other cameras, various lenses & accessories






Let me star answering the questions:


Are you new to using the camera? If so, what cameras have you used before?

Yes, in that time I was using since some months

I already use Canon T3I, T5i, 60D


What focus mode are you using? (One Shot, AI Servo, AI Focus)

AF, One shot, Case1 Versatil Multi fins, all 65 points, IOTraf ON


What focus pattern are you using? (All Points, Large Zone, Small Zone, 4-point Expansion, 8-point expansion, Single Points, High-Precision Spot Focus Single Point)

4 points and single point


Have you adjusted or modified any of the focus related customization features? Or have you selected one of the "Cases"?

 Case1 Versatil Multi fins


Also, what specific lenses are you having trouble with?

I had the same issue with 10-22 3.5, 70-200 2.8LII, 18-200, 50mm 1.4 ,24mm pancake and Sigma 1--250 


After  many research I started to do a manual focus when is possible but I have done some hard tasts using L lens focusing using single and also using live view with zoom and even making sure where the focus was, when open on the computer, it failed. like 3 failed to 10 shots in the same scene.


I shot weedings and using 5DIII its not happen and also with 5DIV its not happening


any idea ?


Thank you and Regads


