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EOS Rebel T3i Black Screen, but camera still shoots - Help!


I have a Canon Rebel T3i and one day it was working fine, but in the very next day BAM the lcd just stoped working and now just show me a black screen.


I searched all the internet trying some way to fix my screen, but none of them worked. Below some information about what I found on the internet and have tried.


> My LCD it's working fine, the light inside LCD turn on, but just don't show any image, even the menu, info and other stuff. Just a awful black screen. And if I press the Disp. button I can see the screen turn off because the LCD light turn off. And, even more strange, if I try to upgrade the firmware, the screen works again for a few seconds when show up the Loading screen (moments before appears the list of files to upgrade the firmware, but I can't see the list, I just can see the Loading screen)


> Verify the "display off sensor". My Rebel T3i just don't have this kind of sensor, I know how this sensor's looks like ( ) and I can affirm that my camera doesn't have this thing. (Anyway I have removed the rubber and plastic outer viewfinder fitting from the camera and cleaned the area around the viewfinder and doesn't worked)


> Upgrade Firmware. I read about fix this problem upgrading the firmware, even without menu image I got it. But still not working. After upgrading the firmware I confirmed the firmware version using EOS Utility in my computer.


> My camera still working perfectly, I mean almost perfectly. I can shoot normaly, and I can do all the others things using the EOS Utility.

> I bought a new original lcd, but shows up the same problems.

> I thought some kind of lcd data cable was broken, but as I said, when I try to upgrade the firmware I can see the loading screen perfectly.

So, I'm desesperated here. Do not know what to try now. Please help me.



Hi, Cathy! 

Unfortunately no, sorry 😕

Wish the best luck for you s2

Thanks! Same to you!
