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EOS RP - why blue tint using the adapter and EF 24 F2.8 mm IS USM lens?



I demo'd at a photo store the EOS RP, which feels just great in my hands. I demo'd using an adapter and my EF 24 F2.8 mm IS USM lens.  One of my questions is:

Why did the photos come out with a blue tint (see photo - only change I made was to decrease the size)?

Color representation per image properties is sRGB.

I am hoping this would be an easy in-camera correction.

Thank you and all the best!




If you're going to shoot JPEGs only, it will be best to set the camera's white balance for your lighting conditions, as much as possible. Surprisingly to me, the Automatic White Balance seems to do a pretty good job under most shooting conditions.


If you end up getting this camera be sure to at least try shooting in RAW as often as possible. Also be sure to download and install Canon's free RAW processing software, DPP4, and then experiment a bit with adjusting white balance (as well as other settings) after the fact. You should be able to easily make some really impressive improvements to images like the blue-tinged photo above.

Excellent advice on shooting RAW above.  Personally, I capture both RAW and JPEG (and then across two cards).  This gives you an instant backup.


For those cameras with a single card slot, should the RAW file get corrupt, you have the JPEG as its backup.


Having said all that, knock on wood, I haven't experienced any corruption yet.


Finally, there are specific scenarios where only shooting JPEG is proper.  But for the most part, go for RAW.


Edit: Forgot to add... I rarely use AWB (Auto White Balance), but when I did play around with it, it did do a decent job.  If I think about what I do, it's about an equal split amongst using the presents (e.g. Flash, Tungsten, Shade), dialing in an exact Kelvin value, or setting up a custom white balance.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

"...the Automatic White Balance seems to do a pretty good job under most shooting conditions."


I agree!  I have not moved the WB setting off of Average WB for a very long, long time.  Of course I shoot Raw exclusively.  In my world I see no valid reason to ever shoot jpg anymore. The conversion is so seamless.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Ebiggs, that is so good to know it is seamless 🙂 Thank you!

Thank you!
I have not shot raw yet, but the replies to this thread have me excited about it! I am glad to hear working with raw is not difficult!
All the best!

Thank you! That is great to know about Canon's Raw processing software!!! I am sure I will be using it and hoping to really enjoy it!

Are you really using CS2?  Did you really set the WB to manual?

I doubt CS2 will handle any new camera model correctly or at all. 

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Hi Ebiggs,
You asked :"Are you really using CS2? Did you really set the WB to manual?"

What is CS2? I used a freeware version of Photoshop to decrease the size of the image so I could post here - but no other adjustments were made.

I demo'd the camera at a camera shop so have no idea of the settings. I wanted to see how it felt and shot, knowing the quick demo would not give me all I would love to know about the camera, but yet better than no demo -- or so I think sometimes! At other times, not knowing nor using the full capabilities and features of the camera makes it harder to make a decision after having demo'd. 


I realize I have much to learn yet in DSLR photography. That factor makes it more difficult to review camera specs and make a decision based solely on those.

Thank you!

"...better than no demo -- or so I think sometimes! "


Not really! Can't be very good if it doesn't tell you or show you what the camera is capable of.  It is actually worse than buying blindly if it shows a poor photo.


The EXIF data from your sample indicates CS2 which is a very old version of PS.  Perhaps that is what the freeware version uses as a software. The WB indicated a setting of 'manual'. I don't understand that!


My thoughts is the adapter and lens are not the issue here and the settings on the camera is. I would ignore what you saw.

If you try again perhaps you might do a reset first.  WHo knows what somebody else might have set?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

@amatula15 wrote:

Hi Ebiggs,
You asked :"Are you really using CS2? Did you really set the WB to manual?"

What is CS2? I used a freeware version of Photoshop to decrease the size of the image so I could post here - but no other adjustments were made.

If you're not familiar with shooting with a DSLR and working with RAW files this may blow your mind.


Are you aware of all the EXIF data that's attached to digital image files? It provides a ton of shooting and editing information that's very helpful when you're trying to troubleshoot why an image maybe doesn't come out the way you expected.


When posting images here, or on similar sites, it's best to leave the EXIF info attached if possible.


Here's the EXIF data (somewhat edited to save space) from the first image you posted.



Record Version = 2

IPTC Core (Adobe XMP)

Expand All / Collapse All / Show/Hide XMP Source / Show/Hide XMP Legend

xpacket = begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"
xpacket = end="w"


Camera Make {0x010F} = Canon
Camera Model {0x0110} = Canon EOS RP
Picture Orientation {0x0112} = normal (1)
X-Resolution {0x011A} = 720000/10000 ===> 72
Y-Resolution {0x011B} = 720000/10000 ===> 72
X/Y-Resolution Unit {0x0128} = inch (2)
Software / Firmware Version {0x0131} = Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows
Last Modified Date/Time {0x0132} = 2020:03:09 19:27:18
Y/Cb/Cr Positioning (Subsampling) {0x0213} = co-sited / datum point (2)


Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) {0x829A} = 1/800 second ===> 0.00125 second
Lens F-Number / F-Stop {0x829D} = 10/1 ===> ƒ/10
Exposure Program {0x8822} = normal program (2)
ISO Speed Ratings {0x8827} = 320
Sensitivity Type {0x8830} = recommended exposure index (REI) (2)
Recommended Exposure Index {0x8832} = 320
EXIF Version {0x9000} = 0231
Original Date/Time {0x9003} = 2020:02:08 13:07:45
Digitization Date/Time {0x9004} = 2020:02:08 13:07:45
Unknown tag, Tagnum 0x9010 {0x9010} = data ===> -07:00
Unknown tag, Tagnum 0x9011 {0x9011} = data ===> -07:00
Unknown tag, Tagnum 0x9012 {0x9012} = data ===> -07:00
Components Configuration {0x9101} = 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00 / YCbCr
Shutter Speed Value (APEX) {0x9201} = 630784/65536
Shutter Speed (Exposure Time) = 1/789.61 second
Aperture Value (APEX) {0x9202} = 434176/65536
Aperture = ƒ/9.93
Exposure Bias (EV) {0x9204} = 0/1 ===> 0
Metering Mode {0x9207} = pattern / multi-segment (5)
Flash {0x9209} = n/a (0)
Focal Length {0x920A} = 24/1 mm ===> 24 mm
User Comment (Hex) {0x9286} = 0x00,0x00,...
User Comment Character Code = not defined
Last Modified Subsecond Time {0x9290} = 48
Original Subsecond Time {0x9291} = 48
Digitized Subsecond Time {0x9292} = 48
FlashPix Version {0xA000} = 0100
Colour Space {0xA001} = sRGB (1)
Image Width {0xA002} = 2000 pixels
Image Height {0xA003} = 1331 pixels
Focal Plane X-Resolution {0xA20E} = 4160000/1415 ===> 2939.93
Focal Plane Y-Resolution {0xA20F} = 2768000/943 ===> 2935.31
Focal Plane X/Y-Resolution Unit {0xA210} = inch (2)
Custom Rendered {0xA401} = normal process (0)
Exposure Mode {0xA402} = auto exposure (0)
White Balance {0xA403} = manual (1)
Scene Capture Type {0xA406} = standard (0)
Camera Owner Name {0xA430} =
Body Serial Number {0xA431} = 052022002960
Lens Specification {0xA432} = 24-24mm F0-0
Lens Model {0xA434} = EF24mm f/2.8 IS USM
Lens Serial Number {0xA435} = 0000001baf


Compression {0x0103} = JPEG compression (6)
X-Resolution {0x011A} = 72/1 ===> 72
Y-Resolution {0x011B} = 72/1 ===> 72
X/Y-Resolution Unit {0x0128} = inch (2)
Embedded thumbnail image:

EXIF Interoperability IFD

Interoperability Index {0x0001} = R98
Interoperability Version {0x0002} = 0100


GPS Version ID {0x00} = 0x02,0x03,0x00,0x00



According to this abridged info on ebiggs1's edited version of the same pic, he did his work in Photoshop CS6.



Coded Character Set = 27, 37, 71
Record Version = 2
Date Created = 2020/02/08
Time Created = 13:07:45-07:00

IPTC Core (Adobe XMP)

Expand All / Collapse All / Show/Hide XMP Source / Show/Hide XMP Legend

xpacket = begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"
xpacket = end="w"


Image Width {0x0100} = 2000 pixels
Image Length {0x0101} = 1331 pixels
Bits Per Sample {0x0102} = 8,8,8
Photometric Interpretation {0x0106} = RGB (2)
Camera Make {0x010F} = Canon
Camera Model {0x0110} = Canon EOS RP
Picture Orientation {0x0112} = normal (1)
Samples Per Pixel {0x0115} = 3
X-Resolution {0x011A} = 720000/10000 ===> 72
Y-Resolution {0x011B} = 720000/10000 ===> 72
X/Y-Resolution Unit {0x0128} = inch (2)
Software / Firmware Version {0x0131} = Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
Last Modified Date/Time {0x0132} = 2020:03:10 08:49:02
Y/Cb/Cr Positioning (Subsampling) {0x0213} = co-sited / datum point (2)


(Reason For Edit: This post obvoiusly needed a bit more trimming)
