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EOS R6 file numbering issue


File numbering set to "continuous"; SD card 1 set to photos (RAW), SD card 2 set to video (SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB); regularly reformat cards inside camera after transfers, bought new approx. 2 years ago.

There have been several occasions now when shooting a greater quantity of images that without explanation the numbering sequence falls out of sequence, leaving large gaps between numbers used, and creating new folders each time it (incorrectly) reaches the 9999 threshold.

For example: Shooting multiple events in one day, totaling ~1500 RAW images. Using an SD card reader on my PC to move image files I see that there are around 7 folders. Folder one may start at 3C5A9460 - 3C5A9999. Folder two starts with 3C5A0001 - 3C5A0024, then skips all the way to 3C5A9950 - 3C5A9999, then similar again and again.

This is for illustrative purposes, file numbering is never predictable in these instances other than there is a sizable gap between where the numbering process just leaps way ahead of where it should actually be, forcing the creation of more folders and my having to sort them out.

It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it's on those occasions when I am shooting more photos than usual. I understand the roll over from 9999 back to 0001, as well as the creation of a new folder for this. But the massive gaps that then occur as well as the multiple folders each with only 25-100 per feels more like a glitch than user error.

Has anyone else encountered similar, and what is the best approach to correcting it (other than having to manually reset file numbering each time)?



This is likely caused by the use of one card for video and one for stills. 
Here’s how it happens. Assuming both cards are formatted and have no images on them, the camera has an internal count of the last image or video it captured. I’ll use 1234 as that number.

When you put in both cards the camera checks and finds no images so carries on from the next number, which will be 1235, regardless of whether you are shooting stills or video. Every movie clip or still photo increments the counter. So if you take 1000 stills the counter can file numbers go from 1235 to 2235. If you then shoot 10 video clips they will be number 2236 to 2246. Next still will be 2247. So that’s one way to get a gap.

Also when you remove the still card to download it, and shut the card door, the camera looks to the movie card and finds that the last movie was numbered 9700, but at that point the stills card had already gone past 9999 and had rest to be image 1009. But in a new folder 101EOSR6. The camera counter is updated to the number on the movie card so that 9701 will be the next still when you put the still card back in. The result is a big jump in numbers. 


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

The problem with this explanation as I interpret it is that it assumes I'm shooting enough photos and video to amount to over 9999 files, several times over. Assuming that the video and photo files are leap-frogging one another to become a single count, at the end of said event I may have 1500 still images and around 30 video clips. I shoot minimal video, and have yet to notice the count going off with those files. As well, each unique photo folder created on the card suggests at another 9999+ files. Also, at the end once I have offloaded the media, reformatted the cards and moved on to the next event, there occurs no issue until some random event in the future.

When next it occurs I will make sure to screenshot the multiple folders and file sequence breaks, as well as any video files to demonstrate the appearance of when it happens.

Thanks though.


If you are capturing 1530 files (stills and movies) per event, then you may run in to the problem after five or six events.

Start shooting stills


Pictures in folder 100EOSR6

  • IMG_9988.CR3
  • IMG_9989.CR3

Switch to video


Movies in folder 100EOSR6

  • MVI_9990.MP4
  • MVI_9991.MP4

Switch back to stills


Pictures in folder 100EOSR6

  • IMG_9992.CR3
  • IMG_9993.CR3
  • through to 
  • IMG_9999.CR3
  • camera auto creates new folder 101EOSR6

Pictures in folder 101EOSR6

  • IMG_0001.CR3
  • IMG_0002.CR3
  • through to 
  • IMG_0300.CR3

Switch to video


Movies in folder 101EOSR6

  • MVI_0301.MP4
  • MVI_0302.MP4

At this point the camera internal image number is 0303 and this is the one that will be written next to which ever card you choose based on stills or movie.

Remove both cards, and download them to the computer with a card reader.

Return same cards to camera. Camera looks at the two cards and finds that its internal image number is the biggest and so carries on from 0303. But if you put in a different set of cards - your spare set - and they had other images on them, say IMG_5000.CR3 the camera count is updated to 5001 and then you format the cards. The camera count starts from 5001 with IMG_5001.CR3. 

You may want to try changing the camera setting for the File numbering from Continuous to Auto reset. Then every time you format the cards, the camera looks at them finds no numbered images and then resets its internal counter to 0001 again. So with an event your images will start from IMG_0001.CR3 every time.


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --