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EOS R5 takes only one shot after 10-second delay in continuous mode


Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the canon R5. I am trying to take an action shot remotely with the connection WiFi  in the phone with the self timer of 10 seconds but when I press the shutter button in the phone it just takes one picture. The same thing happens when I select the continue high speed. Also the continuous high shoot works just if I press and hold the shutter button of my camera and the 10 second self time does one shot. Did you have the same problem? How can I shoot an action shot remotely ? I am using EF lenses with the adapter.



I don't see anything in the User Manual on if you can capture continous shots when using the timer.  Also, what lenses are you using? Page 920 - 921 shows what EF lenses are supported in continuous shooting.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Thank you for your reply. I am using a canon EF 85 F1.2L II usm and a Canon EF 50 mm F1.4 usm. The things is that works if I touch the shutter button and hold in the camera. How can I do it remotely without holding the button as I will have both hand doing the action? Thank you again 


My suspicion is that you will have to hold the button down.

The camera can't know if you want to take 5 pictures or 20.

Steve Thomas

Thank you for replying
