EOS R5 Mark II - ISO dropped from M-Fn menu!


ISO selection has been dropped from the M-Fn mode on the M-Fn button! Why would they do that?

Is there a way to add it back in the dial function menu of the M-Fn button (as is standard on my R5 bodies)? This is extremely important for making ISO and other adjustments quickly in professional (or amateur) situations. Using that little touch screen ISO icon undermines the professional aspect of this great camera. Perhaps this can be addressed in the next (asap) firmware update.

In the meantime, I've temporarily assigned ISO the light button on the top of the camera though I would much prefer to match my R5m2 with my R5 bodies to use the more efficient dial function setting on the M-Fn button.

Thank you.


Accepted Solutions


I FOUND IT!     It's a sub-menu in M-Fn.   Thanks all for your efforts.  

View solution in original post



That's strange, I can change the ISO using the M-Fn button on my R5 Mark II. It's below the Exposure Compensation setting. The camera is in Av mode, if that makes any difference.

LCD displayLCD display



Is ISO control already assigned to another control or dial?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle wrote:

Is ISO control already assigned to another control or dial?

Waddizzle, it should be. By default, it's the Quick Control 2 dial, just like on your R6 II. That is one thing I really love about the R5 and R6 series, ISO control is right above where you rest your thumb, and you can change it with a few clicks of that dial. No buttons to press, just turn the dial.




Just to be clear, I'm talking about the R5 mark 2 (not the R6m2) and the fact that when using the M-Fn button (which is next the the shutter release) while assigned to "Dual Func.", the ISO adjustment, which is one of the five adjustments that are standard on R5 bodies (ISO, shutter, one shot/servo, color balance, and +/-) is suddenly missing on the R5 mark 2. 


...and I must hasten to add that using the M-Fn button on the R5 is the absolute fastest way the adjust all five of those functions while barely moving your trigger finger. At this point I assume that someone made a mistake in removing this essential feature, thereby making it functional less pro-friendly. 



Hey Larry, thanks for posting. Just to get us all on the same page, you might like to try this - go to Customized Controls, choose Customize Buttons, scroll down 8 clicks to choose M-Fn, then choose Dual Func and set. Then press the M-Fn button and you should see all five operations (but without ISO in this case), and not just ISO alone as your photo indicates. This should work in all modes except A+. Since I rarely use the tiny light button next the the screen on top, that’s where I have temporarily assigned ISO. Obviously this is only a second best solution.


I FOUND IT!     It's a sub-menu in M-Fn.   Thanks all for your efforts.  

Hello, eye4light!

Just to be clear 😊, I was referring to the R5 II but referenced the R6 II for Waddizzles benefit. I understand it's just a matter of preference, but I prefer ISO in its default position, the QC 2 dial.

On my R5 II, ISO is a selection when the M-Fn button is pressed and easy to get to, but not as fast as just turning the QC 2 dial. I guess if I needed quick access to the other selections it provides, I might use it [M-Fn] more, but I'm pretty well set when I start to shoot. However, I totally understand your preference and am happy that you are able to bend it to your will.



Thanks for this helpful discussion.  It got me started down the right path.  For the sake of others with the same question, here are some detailed instructions I wrote down for my own reference.

Customizing the M-Fn button
Press the MENU button
Turn Quick Control Dial 2 to the green Customization menu group
In the first menu tab, choose Customize buttons for shooting
Turn Quick Control Dial 2 twice to highlight M-Fn under the still camera icon
Press the SET button
A menu of many boxes with icons will appear
Turn Quick Control Dial 2 to highlight DIAL FUNC
Press the INFO button
Two rows of squares appear
Inside the squares are icons representing functions the M-Fn button currently controls
The top row represents functions assigned to the Main Dial (near your index finger)
The bottom row represents functions assigned to the Quick Control Dial 2 (near your thumb)
The settings currently displayed can be changed or removed (set to OFF)
It is also possible to remove (set to OFF) an entire row to simplify the M-Fn button
Consider which function you are most likely to need (for example, Drive mode)
Turn Quick Control Dial 2 to highlight the first box on the top row
Press the SET button
The screen changes, but looks very similar
There are still two rows of boxes with icons representing functions
Across the top is the statement Choose items to assign (stills)
Turn Quick Control Dial 2 to highlight the desired function (Drive mode)
Press the SET button
The screen returns to the previous menu with two rows representing assigned functions
Your chosen function (Drive mode) now appears in the first box of the top row
Press the INFO button to confirm your choice
Press the SET button to return to the previous menu
Press the shutter button halfway down to go to shooting mode
Look through the viewfinder and press the M-Fn button
The M-Fn menu appears with your chosen function (Drive mode) in the first position
Repeat this process to assign other functions to the two rows of boxes (or set them to OFF)
