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EOS R5 Mark II Eye Control AF won't focus


Hello everybody!

My newly acquired R5 II seems to be having a very bothersome issue.

The Eye Control AF, though perfectly calibrated, just doesn't focus. Instead of focusing where the pointer is placed by eye, it uses the standard focusing areas (spot, enlarged etc...) which remain functional. No focusing "below" the EC AF's pointer.

Of course, the Eye Control is set on "on", the manual was painfully followed, all possible settings checked.

All other functions perform the way they should.

Any idea? I'd greatly appreciate some help solving this issue!


Thanks for your help on this issue.  I had the same problem -- until now!  The 1,227 page manual didn't quite make it clear.  Now that it works, I need to decide if I want to actually use this feature . . .

Hi AdamAlonzo,

If you're into sports, wildlife or any kind of fast action photography you'll find that its a great feature to have.  However, it does take a bit getting used to and it's not for everyone.  I'm glad that this post helped you in setting it up.  Let us know what you decide and why, after you've had time to play with it.  Have fun with it!   🙂

Ancora Imparo

"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
–- Ansel Adams

"You don’t take a photograph, you make it."
--- Ansel Adams