EOS R5 4k 120fps footage stutters, shifts from left to right


While shooting on my R5 with an RF 100-500 at 4k 120fps, I noticed, both watching it live while filming as well as playback, that the footage will sometimes stutter or shift from left to right. It's inconsistent so I haven't been able to find a pattern and determine the root cause so I'm hoping someone in here can help. 


Shooting a plane, either taxiing or taking off, handheld. Sometimes the footage comes out great, sometimes I see the stutter. It's always daytime and well-lit. You can tell the difference between my hand movement and what appears to be a "digital-type" shift in movement. I'm not sure what info would be pertinent to diagnosing the issue so if anyone has any questions about settings, ask away! I'll put a link to some sample footage below. 


Thank you so much for reading and any help that any of you can provide! 



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Cordey,

I took a look at the footage you linked and the issue you are seeing is certainly an odd one. Just looking at the footage it is difficult to say what the exact cause may be. Since you can see it when you playback the footage on the camera itself that indicates it is being caused by something in the equipment. 

It would be good to check if this is related to stabilization. If you are using digital stabilization the camera misreading positioning could cause issues like this, or the physical stabilization could cause issues like this if an element moves incorrectly. 

If you are using digital stabilization it would be good to try turning it off, shoot some test footage, and check to see if the same thing happens. To check the digital stabilization setting have the camera in movie mode, go into the Menu, go to the seventh page under the red camera icon, select IS (Image Stabilizer) Mode, on the next page select Digital IS, and set it to Off.

If the same thing happens with the digital stabilization turned off the next thing would be to try disabling the physical stabilization system. That can be done by flipping the IS switch on the lens to Off. That would disable both the lens IS and the camera in body stabilization. Once you've done that shoot some more test footage to see if the same thing happens. 


Welcome to the forum!

I am leaning toward this being a combination of Image Stabilization and AF Settings.  Most scenarios when this appears seem to be when the user is focusing on distant subjects.  

They are also panning the camera horizontally.  But, they do not have a large subject in the foreground like an airplane.  They are usually panning across a distant landscape.

What AF mode and AF points were enabled?  Do not enable any of the Zone AF modes.

Were any of the special AF features like eye, animal, or vehicle tracking enabled?  Disable them.

Are you using a tripod?  Disable the Image Stabilization, both digital and physical.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I'll give that a try, thanks! I've turned off both previously and tested it (at separate times) but I'll try turning off both at once. When I've turned off each one alone, the same issue can still be seen. 

Thank you so much!

I never considered this before. To answer your question,

My AF is as follows:
Expand AF Area: Around
Tracking may have been on People at one time, it was last used on Vehicles. Not sure if I've tried it on None though so I'll try that for sure. 
Haven't used a tripod yet. All have been handheld. 

Thanks for the reply! 


@Cordey wrote:

I never considered this before. To answer your question,

My AF is as follows:
Expand AF Area: Around
Tracking may have been on People at one time, it was last used on Vehicles. Not sure if I've tried it on None though so I'll try that for sure. 
Haven't used a tripod yet. All have been handheld. 

Thanks for the reply! 


Do you understand each bullet point as to why I provided the advice that I did?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

yes, I do, thank you. I'm going to run some tests next time I film and see what happens. Thanks again!

Hi, I have this same problem and was wondering if you ever found a culprit/solution for this? 

No, I never did. I just got better at not panning too quickly and to move more smoothly. Maybe that’s why I have a shoulder injury now lol. 
