EOS 70D sometimes freezes before taking photos


I have a Canon 70D and I work with two different lenses most of the time which are my Canon 50mm lens and my Canon EFS 18-55mm lens. I have been having some problems during taking pictures. It's like when I am ready to take a picture, sometimes the camera will freeze up causing me to not be able to do the picture and I instantly miss out on the perfect moment. When I turn the camera on and off, it resets itself and is better but then sometimes the images look distorted or not clear.

Is this user error? Is there something wrong with my camera and/or my lenses? Or is there a setting that I can enable to help correct these issues?


Thanks, Jesse Williams


Rising Star
Rising Star


I'm not familiar with the 70D, so my suggestions are more or less generic.

1)  Have you tried navigating to the menu where you can "Clearing All Settings" and doing so?  Sometimes that helps.  Then reset any menu settings you are accustomed to and give that a try.

2)  Are you using a full size SD Card that has been formatted in your camera and has space for additional photos?  If that doesn't work, you may what to try using a new or a different SD Card (preferably 32Gb or less from - a name brand (Lexar, SanDisk, etc. obtained from a reputable seller).  Sometimes SD Cards can get corrupted or otherwise fail in some manner and cause problems.  Also, many folks here caution agains using micro SD Cards with an adapter or SD Cards with larger (128Gb or more) and to avoid generic or maybe even counterfeit SD cards bought from resellers on Amazon Marketplace, eBay, etc.   

3)  How "fresh" is your battery?  Perhaps the battery older and or "tired".  Genuine Canon batteries are recommended but there are some decent 3rd party batteries on the market.

Again, just generic suggestions that may help.

Good luck!




I don't know what kind of pictures you are trying to take, but If you are in One-Shot autofocus, your camera won't take a picture until it can achieve focus on something. That might be one issue. As far as your pictures coming out distorted, that might be, as LZ indicated, a problem with youe camera writing a file to your memory card.

I would do as he suggested, re-formatting your card, or getting a new one. See if that helps.

Steve Thomas
