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DSLR 101 2.0


Maybe you will like these better.  I try to please! Smiley Happy








All with my best of class, 1.3 body the EOS 1D Mk IV.  Birders favorite camera!  I love this camera. 

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!
150 REPLIES 150



You might want to make sure you keep your horizions straight.


If you look good at the 4th pic the building on the right side of the pics looks pretty straight, maybe a tad to the right.  But the building on the left side of the pic still looks crooked, leaning to the left.    Is'nt that a distortion issue???

I just noticed my 60D says in the menu, under settings, "peripheral illumin. correct."Enabled..... correction data unavailable, for my EF 70-300mm L.     It registers data for all my other lens except the 70-300.   Do I need a firmware update or something???   What do I do to fix this????  Should I disable this setting???

OK now for some 'more' clarification.

I warned I had no idea what strap you are considering. I still don't?   But when you have a heavy lens like any 'big white' the strap must be attached to the LENS tripod mount.  NEVER to the camera.  Not to the little rings at the top nor the camera's own tripod mount.

You will damage the camera otherwise but you do as you see fit.  You have a choice, do it my way or to however the other "peeps" tell you. The 60D is not built to take that extreme abuse for very long.  It will be a matter of time.  It is a plastic over metal construction similar to the Rebel line.  Not a full on metal body as the 7D, 5D, 7D Mk I, 5D Mk IIII or 1 series cameras.


Not to try and push you to LR again, I am over that but "Straighten" is a simple click of the mouse.  As I get older I find I have more of a issue with that too.  Maybe why I see it as easily as I do.

Next for you to concentrate on is composition.  After exposure, compsition is the main most important thing.  Some may put it as first.  I can't argue.

Remember the Golden Rule and/or Rule of Thirds.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!




I warned I had no idea what strap you are considering. I still don't?   But when you have a heavy lens like any 'big white' the strap must be attached to the LENS tripod mount.  NEVER to the camera.  Not to the little rings at the top nor the camera's own tripod mount.


So are you saying to get a lens mount sling only for those big L's or for all my lens???   What about my 24-105mm L?   And all my other lens encluding my 70-300mm L???   If you're saying that...... I will have to get a lens collar mount for every lens I have.   Ok., I'll look into it.     You've just told me something I never considered in the quality and build of a camera body.   I learn something new everyday.


I have a upcoming class on composition this Sunday.  I'm taking all the classes that come my way.


You missed an important question (to me)  about my 60D and my 70-300mm L lens.   Can you help me here???? (read missed question)

I still don't know what strap you are talking about.  But I thought I made it clear, at least for me, never use the camera's tripod hole or the little rings on the camera to attach a strap.  WHEN YOU USE a 'bigs white' lens attach to the LENS TRIPOD mounting hole.  I don't know how to put it any more clear or understandable.

If you are using a smaller lens like the 24-105 do whatever you wish as it makes no difference.  Most don't have mounting holes anyway.

 I use a Black Rapid.  It has a ring that screws into the tripod mount of the lens.  It has a hook that connects to that ring.   You can buy as many of these little rings as you wish.  You only need one strap and one hook.


"You missed an important question (to me)  about my 60D and my 70-300mm L lens.   Can you help me here???? (read missed question)"


I certainly did.  What was the question, again.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

I just noticed my 60D says in the menu, under settings, "peripheral illumin. correct."Enabled..... correction data unavailable, for my EF 70-300mm L.     It registers data for all my other lens except the 70-300.   Do I need a firmware update or something???   What do I do to fix this????  Should I disable this setting???


The above is the question you missed.




WHEN YOU USE a 'bigs white' lens attach to the LENS TRIPOD mounting hole



I understand what you're saying about the big heavy lens.  What about my EF 70-300mm L.   It's a grey, but not that heavy as any of the ones you have.  weighs less than 2.31 lbs.   It's why I chose f/4 over faster apertures, don't want the extra weight and size.   Least not for everyday shooting.   I would use one for special purposes when needed.   When I get a 600mm Zoom, it'll be mostly for long range bird and animal shots which I don't do often.  I'm more into landscape, historical buildings and sites/areas, street photography, cultrual and social events, etc.  Will do some portraits when they come along.   A lens collar for my 70-300mm L costs appox $160.00.  That puts the total cost of this lens way more than I would have been willing to pay, had I known this.

"peripheral illumin. correct."Enabled..... correction data unavailable"


There could be a firmware update for the 70-300mm.  I don't know as I do not have or never have I used a 60D.

This is unrelated to horizonal lines being straight.  It seems like you asked it in the same context.

Another issue easily corrected in LR.  It is also easily corrected in DPP4 and probaby DPP3.  I deleted DPP3 since I got 4.

EOS 1DX and 1D Mk IV and less lenses then before!

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"peripheral illumin. correct."Enabled..... correction data unavailable"


There could be a firmware update for the 70-300mm.  I don't know as I do not have or never have I used a 60D.

This is unrelated to horizonal lines being straight.  It seems like you asked it in the same context.

Another issue easily corrected in LR.  It is also easily corrected in DPP4 and probaby DPP3.  I deleted DPP3 since I got 4.

I don't think it's  firmware issue, in either the camera or the lens. It's just saying it doesn't have the correction data for that lens. There should be a menu in DPP where you can select the lens and download the correction data.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

You're right bob.  What it my 60D will make lens correction in camera, so you don't have to do that in post ed, if my camera has the lens data, which my 60D does'nt for my 70-300L.   I did download the info into DPP and now DPP has all my lens data.   But my camera still does'nt and until I get the data in the camera, I have to use DPP for lens correction with the 70-300.  It's a feature for those who don't want to use DPP, PSE, or LR, and want. to do that in camera.  You can disable this feature if you like using post ed software better.  The 60D does some amazing things for a camera that's not very expensive.   Maybe now, after I process my pics in DPP from the 70-300L, the info will be input into my camera some how when I use that lens agin, I dunno.  

I'm throughly disappointed with myself.  I took more lopsided shots yesterday, i'll post a couple below.  I have been taking pics most of my adult life and have never encountered problems like this.  But looking at my pics it mainly happens on the water, when I'm taking pics and try to line my viewfinder up with the shoreline, or buildings on the shoreline.  Sometimes it's a problem with sunflare in my viewfinder also, hard to see at times.  I don't have this problem lining up my shots on land and places other than on the water.  And the really bad part is seems it's getting worst even as I take pics being fully aware of this issue and still make this error. 


Since LR and PSE will correct distortions, and straighten lines, I was wondering if DPP has the ability to do that???    I still have not mastered DPP, have'nt used all it's features, and want to know just what distortion issues DPP will correct?   If I continue to have these issues with my pics, that LR will correct, I will be forced to get LR no matter what, if DPP cannot.   Now I have to buy a lens tripod collar, a new sling, and maybe LR.   What a week this is going to be, and it ain't over yet   Man FrustratedMan LOL 
