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Compare my rebel Xti to the eos 6d.



  That’s a very broad question, you’re going to have to be a bit more specific if you want to gain anything useful out of this.  But I upgraded from an XTi to a 6D, so I suppose I’ll weigh in a bit:


One is full frame, one is crop.  That will affect high ISO performance, field of view, and depth of field, to name a few.  It also means that your lenses from the XTi won’t necessarily fit on the 6D.  In order to take full advantage of the better sensor on the 6D you need to invest in decent glass.


The “crop factor” is a legitimate aspect of a camera, and it’s both good and bad.  You’ll notice a significant reduction in reach moving to a 6D, and getting that reach back can be very expensive.


There’s absolutely no comparison of low light performance between the two.  Different league.  I also found the color to be noticeable better on the 6D.


The 6D is physically bigger and heavier than the XTi.  Still smaller than most full frame and professional grade cameras, but you’ll feel the difference.  I like it, but you notice when you travel.  The lenses you need are equally bigger and heavier than the Rebel kit lenses.


Upgraded features like custom functions, improved bracketing, WiFi, GPS, HDR, etc.  Some may be worth something to you, some may not.  I found that I really like Auto ISO in certain situations, I would never use Auto ISO on my XTI.  In fact, I found that I now use ISO like I do aperture or shutter speed.  On my XTi I would minimize at all cost, on my 6D I have no issues at all going to 1600, and beyond in certain situations.


On the other hand, the 6D is heavier, more expensive, has less lens choices, less reach, less portable, requires more disk space, I worry about it more, is more noticeable on the street, etc.  There are times that I take a landscapes in good light or a travel pic or something and think “meh, my XTI could have done that”.  There are times I think “a point and shoot could have done that, why am I lugging around a big ole camera”.  There’s pros and cons to all camera choices, they’re just tools.

Low light performance Much lower noise at high ISO2,340 ISOvs664 ISO
The 6D has excellent image quality 1.8 f-stops higher ISO than the Rebel XTi
Overall image quality Much better image quality82.0vs62.0
More than 30% better image quality
Screen resolution Much higher resolution screen1,040k dotsvs230k dots
More than 4.5x higher resolution screen
Screen size Much larger screen3.0"vs2.5"
More than 20% larger screen
Live view Has live viewYesvsNo
Preview your photos on the camera's screen before taking them
Dynamic range More dynamic range12.1 EVvs11 EV
1.1 f-stops more dynamic range
Movie format Shoots movies1080p @ 30fpsvsNone
Shoots Full HD (1080p) video as well as still pictures
Color depth Better color depth23.8 bitsvs22.1 bits
Distinguishes 1.7 more bits of color
Viewfinder size Much larger viewfinder0.71xvs0.49x
More than 2x larger viewfinder
Autofocus Faster autofocusPhase detectionvsContrast detection
Catch candid moments easily
Startup delay Much less startup delay500 msvs2500 ms
5x less delay when turning on
True resolution Much higher true resolution20.9 MPvs10.1 MP
Capture more than 2x more detail in your photos
HDR Has in-camera HDRYesvsNo
Combines multiple exposures to capture high dynamic range
Sensor size Much larger sensorFull frame 36.0x24.0mmvsAPS-C 22.2x14.8mm
More than 2.5x larger sensor
Weather sealed Weather sealedYesvsNo
Sealed to shoot in the rain
Light sensitivity Better maximum light sensitivity25,600 ISOvs1,600 ISO
The 6D's maximum light sensitivity is 4 f-stops better
Autofocus Video autofocusContrast detectionvsNone
Automatically focuses shooting video
Battery life Significantly longer battery life980 shotsvs370 shots
More than 2.5x more shots per battery charge
GPS Has a GPSYesvsNo
Automatically geotags your photos when traveling
 Has boost ISO102,400 ISOvsNone
Allows taking photos in darker situations, often at the cost of additional noise in the image
Viewfinder Has a pentaprism viewfinderPentaprismvsPentamirror
Pentaprism viewfinders are typically brighter
Continuous shooting Shoots faster4.5 fpsvs3 fps
50% faster continuous shooting
Viewfinder coverage Better viewfinder coverage97%vs95%

Almost the same


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