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Canon rebel t6i isn't showing phone when connected

My phone will connect to my camera but says that i have to check camera settings to connect. I have reset the wi-fi settings multiple times and retried. My phone connected to my camera once and wouldn't reconnect after that.

Have you tried a different phone?

A paperweight because the reason I got this camera (4 months ago) was for the ease of use- the wifi capabilities- I use my camera on the go and if you've ever hooked up your camera to the laptop it's a process. Not an on-the-go kinda process. I have other cameras I could use that don't have wifi. But thanks for your input smart@$$!

Did you also have the camera itself "forget" all your settings with its reset function under the wifi menu?   That's what finally did it for me.  At that point, the app required the password entry and then searched for and found my T6S with no problem.


I agree that this is a poor update, and should have just continued working with no user changes.  Just as an aside, I recently picked up an Apple SD/lightning card reader on eBay for very little money, and it works great.  Much, much faster than wifi downloads and totally seamless in its operation.

The problem was resolved with the (wonderful) new update😁 thank you anyone who tried to help!

@jasonschiely wrote:
No I only have one SD card. The one with my photos on it. The last version of this app had no problem reading my SD card.

Your first post said you have deadlines, which suggests that you're at least a semi-professional photographer. But you don't use a card reader and have only one SD card. You're a risk taker; I'll give you that.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Yeah I bought a card reader. Which apparently is necessary now. Didn't feel the need before.

I back up my photos on account once a week. But on the go just wanted the wifi feature to work. Guess I'll hope a future update will give that feature back to me.

I am semi-pro at best lol. Do event photography as part of my job. Not sure what a second SD card would achieve. The one I have is fairly large capacity more than enough for my needs.

@jasonschiely wrote:
Yeah I bought a card reader. Which apparently is necessary now. Didn't feel the need before.

I back up my photos on account once a week. But on the go just wanted the wifi feature to work. Guess I'll hope a future update will give that feature back to me.

I am semi-pro at best lol. Do event photography as part of my job. Not sure what a second SD card would achieve. The one I have is fairly large capacity more than enough for my needs.

And that, is exactly why you need to carry a spare card, on multiple levels.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

There may be something on your SD card that is preventing the new Canon app from reading it.  Nomally, a format would be the first step ... but in your case that's not practical since you need to save the contents of the card.  Another SD card, which costs very little, is always the standard way of troubleshhoting problems like this.  The card has to be eliminated as a potential issue.

Seen you mentioned a new app update. And seen there was one. So I reset wifi and deleted redownloaded the app. And is reading my card now and allowing me to download shots. Thanks for all the input.

I was having the same issue so I went into the wifi settings on the camera and under "mobile device connect button" I removed my phone as the destination. After doing that you exit the menu and press the actual device connect button and it will ask you to register a device for one touch connection. Once the device and the camera are on the same network it will ask you to open the app. Once you do so, your camera screen will ask you to select the device you renamed. Once you select it, you should be able to use the app without it crashing or refusing your device. Once I did the steps above, I have been able to use the app with no problems whatsoever