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Canon rebel XS display screen won’t turn on


Hi everyone, I have a canon rebel XS that I just got and I was using and then couple hours later I went to use it again and then the display screen won’t turn on and it shows busy when I look into the camera hole. 

ive tried to clean everything and get a new memory card. It won’t shoot in any mode, manual focus or auto. I’ve tried everything please help



The memory card or absence thereof has nothing to do with the camera and display turning on. Don't know what you mean by "camera hole".

Is the battery charged?

If you have the manual for the camera, look at pages 16-17 to see what the parts of it are called. If you don't have it, go to:

Press the MENU or DISP buttons to see if the display works. Does anything appear in the viewfinder? Where are you seeing a BUSY light?

It may be that this fifteen-year-old camera has reached end-of-life, but you have to check and describe things better to understand what it is doing.



Sorry lol it shows busy in the view finder. It just flashes busy 
