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EOS M200 - Frozen - screen flashing message AUTO & BUSY


Hi everyone,


I have a Canon EOS M200 and when i try to get the menu up, it flashes on the bottom of the screen AUTO and BUSY and I cannot use any of the buttons including shutter ? Please help if you can...... Ady



Try to remove any accessories attached to the camera such as memory cards, lenses, mount adapters, flash devices, etc.  Only use a battery and a body cap to cover the lens mount.  

Does the camera still malfunction when you turn it on?

BTW, if you are using any micro-SD memory cards that need the plastic adapter to fit inside the camera body, then stop using them.  All of them.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Hi W,  I have found out if i do not have sd card or  micro sd card in camera it works but will not connect to pc. If i put either a microsd card OR  sd card in to the camera it flashes AUTO and BUSY and the buttons dont work and it will still not connect to pc. It used to connect easily to pc so i could use it for video conferences / zoom etc


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