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Canon Rebel T6 Exposure Bar Error

Hey, guys. Every time I use my camera on manual mode, I can't adjust my exposure bar [the bar that goes from -5 to +5 or whatever number it goes to] with the radial switch. All of my photos are underexposed. Any suggestions


What do you mean by "radial switch"?


In manual mode you need to adjust the shutter speed, the Aperture and the ISO to get what the camera thinks is a good exposure. All three of these need to be set in different ways: check your manual.


I suggest you fix the ISO at 100 and go out on a sunny day and use the "sunny f/16" rule to get you in the ball park. The exposure for a sunlight object at f/16 at ISO 100 should have a 1/100 shutter speed.

@kvbarkley wrote:

What do you mean by "radial switch"?


In manual mode you need to adjust the shutter speed, the Aperture and the ISO to get what the camera thinks is a good exposure. All three of these need to be set in different ways: check your manual.


I suggest you fix the ISO at 100 and go out on a sunny day and use the "sunny f/16" rule to get you in the ball park. The exposure for a sunlight object at f/16 at ISO 100 should have a 1/100 shutter speed.

I think he means whichever wheel it is that sets the exposure compensation.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Which usually just sets one of the three handles for exposure, usually shutter speed. In manual mode you have to adjust all three.

@kvbarkley wrote:

Which usually just sets one of the three handles for exposure, usually shutter speed. In manual mode you have to adjust all three.

I think you and the OP are talking past each other. I think he's asking how to set exposure compensation on the T6.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Yes that. Ok I'll try that

Another thought, alex88156. First set P mode and see what settings the camera chooses. Then you can set manual mode and use the settings from P as a starting point.


@Alex88156 wrote:
Hey, guys. Every time I use my camera on manual mode, I can't adjust my exposure bar [the bar that goes from -5 to +5 or whatever number it goes to] with the radial switch. All of my photos are underexposed. Any suggestions

You can't apply exposure compensation while in M mode for this camera.  Only a handful of Canon cameras allow you to do it in M: 1Dx (I & II), 5DMk IV, 7D Mark II are the 4 that I can think of.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

@diverhank wrote:

@Alex88156 wrote:
Hey, guys. Every time I use my camera on manual mode, I can't adjust my exposure bar [the bar that goes from -5 to +5 or whatever number it goes to] with the radial switch. All of my photos are underexposed. Any suggestions

You can't apply exposure compensation while in M mode for this camera.  Only a handful of Canon cameras allow you to do it in M: 1Dx (I & II), 5DMk IV, 7D Mark II are the 4 that I can think of.

On a T5, you can set exposure compensation in Manual mode, but you cannot set AEB.  I would expect the T6 to be similar.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Why guess?




From the T6 manual. Driverhank is right - and I knew it too, the T6S is the same way.

You aren't missing much. Just set the exposure where exposure compensation would set it.
