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Canon R5 Clog Noise PROBLEM.



I’ve been struggling with noise issues in my Canon R5 CLog 4K 30 FPS footage for a long time. No matter what I’ve tried or which video I’ve watched, none of them have helped. I’ve shot at the lowest ISO and at the native ISO value of 800, both in well-lit environments and in low light. Despite all my efforts, I haven’t been able to get rid of the noise problem.

I really love my camera, but no matter which LUT or color settings I use, the quality is really poor when I go into low key. I’m considering selling my camera this week. Before I do, I wanted to ask one last time here: has anyone been successful in color grading Canon R5 CLog 3 footage effectively? Can you help me understand why I can’t get rid of this noise issue?

Interestingly, I get crystal-clear images with Sony cameras, even with LUTs applied and normal settings used, whether in low key or high key scenes. The footage is always clean and rich in color. However, with the Canon, this issue has become really frustrating for me.



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Mmertalagoz,

I suggest that you do a test with the same exposure settings using BT.709 instead of CLog.

If both the Log footage and the BT.709 footage seem noisy regardless of the ISO, then the camera might need service. In that case, I suggest that you email us at and describe the issue and your location, and we'll walk you through the repair process.

If only the Log footage seems noisy, then the issue might pertain to how Premiere is handling the Log footage. In some versions of Premiere, when using color management, the program might automatically adjust the footage, so adding a correction LUT might make the image appear noisier than it is.

As you may know, the camera can shoot Canon Log or Canon Log 3. It is important to note which one you are using because that will affect what LUT you should use.

In Premiere, you want to apply the conversion LUT in the basic, not creative, section of the Lumetri panel. With that said, we aren't able to provide extensive support on how to do LUT conversations for software we don't make, but you might find some helpful tutorials if you search online for something like, "convert Canon Log to Rec 709 in Premiere."

To get the conversion LUTs we offer, you can visit:

Enter your camera in the search box and select it from the list that populates. If you don't see it listed there, then try deleting a few characters and then trying again. On the next page that loads, click on SOFTWARE & DRIVERS.

Click the LOAD MORE button until you see "Canon lookup table Version 201911."

Download and extract that file, and then look for the Canon Log to Rec 709 option that relates to the version of C Log that you're using.
