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Canon EOS Rebel T3i 600D Video Problem


hello there!


I've been using my DSLR for about a month ago, and I love that it shoots full HD 1080p in 24 frames per second which commonly used for film-making. My Question is, when I browse videos on my computer (.mov files), it's resolution is always 1920x1088. So, it's not exactly in 1080 in height, is this fine? or others do have situation like this? And lastly, if I upload a video on Youtube, does the quality of the video will be remained? Thanks


Rising Star
Rising Star

1088 according to what software?  Does this discussion thread help?


Are you editing your videos at all? Or just uploading straight to YouTube?  YouTube will re-compress the original video and give the viewer options to watch it in 1080p (among other resolutions) but its not exactly the same quality as the original source file.

my eos rebel t3i are automaticaly stoping when a recording full movies but in poor movie are working can u help me?

Hi mariaoduba,


When you record Full HD video, there is a limit to the size of each clip the camera can record.  The camera will automatically stop recording once the clip has reached 4GB in size.


Another cause could be the memory card you are using.  Please ensure you are using at least a Class 10 card.  Slower cards cannot keep up with the camera.  The buffer memory fills up faster than it can record to the card, so the camera must stop recording automatically to finish writing data to the card.


If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.



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I have the EOS T2i and have had trouble capturing videos.  I have a 32gb Lexar Platinum II card 10.  and video will stop recording and show a message saying that recording was stopped automatically.  This has happened as quickly as 10-15 seconds into recording.  Why is this happening?

I have Rebel T3i,,,video is stopping after few seconds. not sure what is wrong with it. I am using class 10 32gb memory card that came with the camra. it was working when i initially bought the camera but after few months started to have trouble. i have tried formatting the card as well still having the same problem.tried different card still same .... not sure if there is anything wrong with the camera....any help would be appreciated 


Hello francoambatali,

The video recorded by the EOS Rebel T3i is 1920 x 1080, so I am unsure where you see it listed as being different than that.  From what you describe, your saying it has an extra 8 pixels on the vertical side, which makes it over HD if nothing else.  But again, we do not think what you are seeing is accurate, instead the program is probably reading the specifications incorrectly.  It will not harm the integrity of the video though.

If you upload a video to Youtube, the quality undoubtedly will be compressed as a result of being uploaded.  Youtube's compression methods are not determined by Canon, so we can't say for certain how much of a quality loss there will be, but it will undoubtedly be lower quality than the original source file. 


If you want to get in contact with technical support or if this is an urgent inquiry, please feel to Contact Us.

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Even though the card you are using is a Class 10 card, it still may be the card causing this.  We have not tested all of the cards on the market with the EOS Rebel T3i, so we cannot guarantee if or how they will work with the camera.


I know you have tried formatting this card, but have you tried other cards as well?


If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.

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