Canon 70D died


My 70D that is only 1yr 1/2 old died all of the sudden.  I have only used it lightly and have taken very good care of it.  I tried another battery thinking that may be the probelem.  Even a brand new Canon battery did not turn it on.  Just no juice, nothing.  I sent it to Canon service center, and they sent me an estimate for $224.  I called to ask what the problem was, they said they still dont know, that  was just to take a look and fix the issue if there is one.  If it is something with major damage they will contact me with a different estimate.


It worked perfectly fine one day.  I charged the battery back up, plugged it it, and just never turned back on again.  I haven't even paid off the camera yet on my best buy card, so I have a real problem with Canon charging me anything so soon, and for an obviously lightly used camera.  


Has anyone had a similar issue before?  Is having Canon do this my best option?  I read another post of someone who fixed themselves, but I'm of course leery not knowing exactly wha the problem is.  Plus I have shoots lined up, and need to act fast.


I wish they had a better program to just trade up or something, if I'm spending money anyway.

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Well I give up, Had my 70D repaired for the motherboard issue by a thrd party camera shop. The repair lasted 3 weeks, only got to use the camera twice during that time. It failed again while shooting video, same issue, camera locked up, had to remove battery to get to shut down. Powered it back up, got "error 80", shut down again and it will not come back on. It is not a lens contact issue or battery issue, it is the motherboard problem. I got a refund from ther repair shop at least because of the warranty they offered on the repair. ( they claimed that they did have to  install a new motherboard) Have my dead 70D body on  ebay for sale  as of yesterday. Need to buy another Camera quick, just haven't decided which one other than it won't be a Canon product. 


I had mine repaired for 270GBP and sold it straight away. I got good money for it because it was mint but I had already lost all faith in it. Bought an 80D purely because of all the Canon gear I already own. Even the repair shop acknowledged that error 80 was extremely common with the 70D and down to heat generated using live view. My camera only had 9000 shuttercount but I had shot a lot of video with it. Nevertheless I don't believe that the 70D is fit for purpose.  I think Canon have been very deceitful over this....

I had mine repaired twice( by a camera shop), second time it failed outside the repaired warranty, it's for sale now on ebay for parts. I also bought an 80D, referb. but also bought a 4 year warranty from a 3rd party. My 70d failed when trying to shoot video, just locked up , had to remove the battery and then got the catch all "error80", then it would not power back up. Still can't get passed the fact that Canon Brazil is offering to repair the motherboard issue on the 70D for free and Canon USA doesn't think it's an issue.

In the auto industry it is common practice to provide a warranty extension for a known flawed/failure prone part as long as the part failure isn't safety/liability related.  The warranty extension is less expensive for the company than doing a full recall and replacement, protects the customer from economic harm, and reduces the probable loss of customer goodwill.


When a problem is widespread the long term expense of not addressing it properly usually greatly exceeds the short term cost to the company.  It is much cheaper to retain existing customers rather than acquire new customers away from competitors.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video


Many posts saying Canon claims it's not a widespread problem. What is the magic number? Is there a moderator for this page? or should I say 15 pages? 

And by the way...

There is a Facebook page. Please join so they can see real numbers.

Canon error 80 USA

I requested to join your Facebook group canon error 80 USA please accept

I want Canon USA to suffer future business by posting everywhere I can about their sub standard product and complete lack of customer service

It is not my group, but I am a member, not sure who started it.

Ok thank you

Canon is emailing me a mailing label and bumped my call to a customer service rep who said Canon will repair cameras that fall in this notice and MAY compensate for repair Canon did on a covered camera but will not compensate for other costs like replacing the camera. She couldn't say if that included someone who got the repair done elsewhere. I'm glad Canon finally admitted the problem and is doing something, but their delay cost me the price of an 80D and cost many others for replacements or repairs and has seriously tarnished Canon's reputation.
