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Cannot communicate with battery - 7D


Dear Friends,

I am a proud owner of 7D for the past 2.5 yrs and have done many trips and shooting with that.

I am not using any battery grip. Have 2 Canon original battery with me.


Fromyesterday night I am getting an error  "Cannot communicate with battery". It is same described in the below link also :-


I am using Original Canon battery and I have tried with both of them but no result.

As per User Guide ,


If the message "Cannot communicate with battery" is displayed when checking the battery status, select [OK] and continue shooting. Please note that the battery level indicator will appear blank.


My concern is :-

1. If I ignore that and continue shooting , will it create any problem to the Camera functionality ?

2. Wil the battery drain fast due to that ?


I am Ok with not displaying the battery infor as of now ( which I will repair by Canon) but need to confirm that the battery functionality will remain as usual. I will be travelling for a birding trip soon and I due to short time I dont want to send it to repair...


Please guide.


Warm Regards,



Interesting.  I was recently on the line with the Repair center and was curtei;ously asked it I had other issues.  You guessed it, I chimed in with this one.  I was referred to another tech person, who acknowledged to problem and listened attentively to my gripe.  He of course could/could not commit in either way.  He did however send me a form to complete to report it.  I'll get to that later.  


BTW:  The fix referred to earlier, did not work for my 60D.  Other suggetions?

updating my canon 7d firmware and installing magic lantern on it seemed to fix my 7d from draining the battery  and no longer does my 7d ask me if i should use the battery even though it cannot communicate to it, it still does not show power bar setting on the display, only in magic lantern does it show the level of power the battery has

What is this Magic Lantern you speak of?

This just happened to me also.  At first I couldn't even turn my camera on.  I fully charged the battery and now I get the message, "cannot communicate' with battery, I click OK and it works.  Just can't see if the battery is charged or not.  

Camera worked perfectly fine last week, when I shot over 20 gigs of images on  a trip.  What caused it to happen?


This is exactly how it all started with me Sandy back in October '13, I still think no one here including myself - on this thread at least has a solid answer. Lot of run around replies from Canon on this popular defect.

Just because the camera works with this error, it will drain the batteries faster. How old is your camera, hopefully it's under warranty? I purchased mine back in 2010, I did get it's not cheap ($275, not including the 6%tax) Only explaination on the invoice "Adjustments to circuit board." 

As for the "Magic Lantern" it has me curious, looks like a lot of intersting addtional features. I'm just hesitant to mess with the hardware of my camera. 

Junior22.  Thanks for the info on the camera.  I bought my camera in 2009 when it first came out.  I'm sure it's not under warranty anymore.  I'm not crazy about spending money on fixing it..but if it will drain the batteries quicker, I just might have to.  Maybe I should think about upgrading to the 6D  or the mark III?????????????

Queridos amigos,
eu tinha esse mesmo problema atraz a 4 meses. A assistência técnica enviado para a Canon do Brasil. Ao chegar a sua câmera voltou a trabalhar sem ouvese feito algumas on-line novamente. a empresa enviou a câmera de volta e ainda funciona perfeitamente.


I think the fact she got around 15 ums off and without the batteries, she went back to work properly.

Sorry for my english ...

Or a NIKON or a SONY.

Cat Frustrated

