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Can't transfer RAW images from T6i


Hi all,


I recently bought a T6i, a 64 GB SanDisk card, and an Optex card reader. I can take photos just fine, I can transfer the RAW images from the camera to my phone as JPEGs using the Canon Camera Connect app, but I can NOT seem to get the RAW images off the camera.


Whenver I use the card reader, I get a message saying the card has to be formatted (which I obviously don't want to do). It works fine with my older card, though. And I can't seem to get the T6i to connect with a USB cable (my previous Canon would automatically connect, so maybe there's a step I'm missing here).


I'm using Windows 10 on a PC, if that matters. Any ideas? Is there a way to transfer RAW images, not JPEGs, using the app?






Thanks, all, for your helpful comments.


I'm pretty close to at least being able to format the card and start over — but when I try to transfer the RAW files from my friend's Macbook onto a hard drive (so that I can get them on MY PC and clear the card) they automatically convert to JPEGs. We can't figure out how to fix this, since I'm not an Apple user and he's not a photographer. Ideas?



If the images are in iPhoto or Photos, you need to use file->export. For iPhoto you need to select unmodified original from the dialog box. For Photos there is a separate file->export->unmodified originals menu option.


For Aperture you need to create an ummodified preset.

@tcpritchard wrote:
We can't figure out how to fix this, since I'm not an Apple user and he's not a photographer. Ideas?



LOL! Robot tongue Geez... You just can't catch a break on this problem, can you?
