Can't download images to a network drive


EOS Rebel T2i directly connected to a PC running Windows XP. The PC shows it is connected to the camera as well as our network drive. The preferences are set to download each picture taken to the network drive. This has been the case for a couple of years and it works just fine. Now out of the blue it stopped working. There is a message "No more shot is available". If we change the setting to putting the image on the desktop then it works fine. The network drive has 30TB free space so it is nowhere near being full. We have tried going to other network drives but get the same result.



Hello helpdesk,

EOS Utility can be used to import images to your computer, but only to a local disk.  You would not be able to download (through our software) to a networked drive.  It is not supported within the software.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you at this time.

If you require further assistanc eand wish to contact us, please do so through Canon's Support and Service web site.

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I read this and hesitated to offer a solution but if I were, it wold be, you have a computer issue not a Rebel T2i one.


Actually I would need a lot more info before even offering a suggestion.  I don't know of any error, " "No more shot is available"."

Are you using EOS Utility?  If not what?  What OS and system?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I am beginning to think the problem is the computer as well. This is a XP machine with the EOS Utility 2. This system has been used for somewhere in the area of two years. Up until a few weeks ago every picture taken with the camera was saved on the network drive. The EOS Utility has also been used for remote pictures and they too go to the network drive. Now however any picture taken will go to the computer but will not go to the network drive. When we set the EOS to put the image on the network we get this error.


The obivious question.  Did you upgrade anything?  Anything at all, not just EOS Utility for instance?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

The network was changed some. However the computer is clearly connected to the network and the camera clearly shows as connected to the computer. The camera can be used remotely through the computer. In addition the camera saves every picture to the computer. Just not the network.

"The network was changed some."

Yeah, I am going to think something caused EOS Utility to not know about the network.  Maybe a fresh re-install is in order.

To do that you must remove all traces of the old installation before attempting to re-install it.  Even in the registry. Everything!


If it worked and than it didn't soemthing changed. Smiley Frustrated

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

A clean install did not resolve the issue. I did a complete uninstall including registry entries yet the problem is still with us. We can save to the desktop of the computer but not to any of the drives on the network. The people in the lab need the pictures to be on the network drive so that they will be included in our system backups. I agree that something changed but so far it remains a mystery as to what.

What OS runs your network server? Does the XP machine control an external drive or do you have a server machine running another OS that the XP is saving to? You may need to double check your XP "allowed" programs on your firewall settings. You haven't elaborated on what network changes occured. I'm not referring to the specific details but if permissions have changed on the network server, they may prevent you from saving the files or it is a "read-only" directory now. You may need to contact your systems admin to look up these details for you. Let us know what's going on, you got me curious 🙂
Music, Photography, Art, Everything Beautiful

The change made to the network involved moving the folders the photos were being stored in to a different server. We need the photos on a storage device as it gets backed up on a regular basis. I put a shortcut, on the PC desktop, to the photo folder on the network drive. As it works now a photo is taken and stored in a folder on the PC desktop. The user can drag that folder to the shortcut I created and the photos will move to the network drive. Because of this shortcut we do not believe permissions are the problem. As a workaround this is ok but the people in the lab got used to having the photos stored on the network drive automatically. It worked that way in 2012, 2013, and the first few weeks of this year. I will be looking into using a different PC, sometime next week, to see if that solves this.