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Can I limit exposure time of the shooting functions screen?


If I activate the shooting function screen by pushing the INFO button and then take a picture the LCD screen will show

the shooting settings for the picture just taken. It seems like the information is displayed for at least 20-30 seconds before the screen goes black. I know I can cancel the screen by hitting the INFO button while the information is displayed but is there a way to limit (i.e. shorten) the time the screen is displayed rather than having to cancel it each time?




You can half-press the shutter button and the info screen will cancel and the camera will be ready to take another shot.  You don't need to wait for the screen to clear on it's own.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

When I half press the shutter button I get a beep indicating the camera is re-focussing but the info screen remains, it is not cancelled.

Some camera let you change it in the Menu. Check your manual, it should be near the end under "customizing your camera" part.
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