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Buying my first (full-frame) DSLR, advice?


I'm looking to buy an entry level DSLR full frame camera. I've mainly been looking at the Canon EOS6D Mark 2 adn the EOS5d Mark 4. Now I'm not commited to buying a Canon per se, but it's what most people I know are using so I thought it would be a good starting point.


I've been looking at reviews of the EOS6D Mark 2 and they've been mixed at best. Now I have no problem buying the EOS5D Mark 4 if the increased price is justified. I would just mean saving 1/2 months extra on top of the saving I would do for the EOS6D Mark 2 or not immediately buying a second or third lens


So would you recommend the EOS6D Mark 2, EOS5d Mark 4 or a completely different full-frame DSLR camera as my first full frame camera? Or is there a new EOS6D Mark 3 around the corner (max end of this year) and it is better to wait?


Additionally, the main reason I am looking to buy a full-frame camera are as follows:


We mainly go on holidays to the far north (we also plan to emigrate there in the coming 36 months) so we want a camera that is well suited in low-light and dark environments The larger image that you can shoot Higher quality images Will mainly be doing landscape and nature photography



If you are suggesting that you will be doing a lot of outdoor shooting, then the 5D4 would be the better choice.  However, the 6D2 is fairly well sealed, too.  No camera is weather proof.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

What camera are you using now? What's your overall background in photography? Depending on your answers, some of us might be inclined to recommend the new mirrorless Canon R. It may be Canon's best low-light camera ever.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA