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Blurry when using eye focusing

We recently droped our canon 600d camera on a floor and since then is something wrong.
On lcd screen focusing as normal, but when i am using my eye to focus is blurry. Please can you help me? Is it easy to fix or i should tike to someone to repair.

Thanks a milion!!!!


I'm assuming that if you set the lens and camera to autofocus your photos are sharp. The problem you are having is getting a sharp image in the viewfinder.


Are you using the adjuster knob on the camera?

Do you wear glasses? If so, the diopter number will be close to your glasses prescription. The numbers add. The camera can go plus/minus up to three. If you need more then you add the diopter..

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

JR, I have shot with both settings, autofocus and manual and I am still not satisfied with the sharpness. I have tried adjusting the diopter adjustment knob with no good improvement. I have looked through the dioptrix and it is very clear and sharp. I then mount it on the camera and it is no longer as sharp no matter how I adjust. Yes , I do wear glasses and I tried every possible combination of with/out dioptrix and glasses. Thank you for responding.


If you are wearing your glasses you should set the camera diopter wheel at the middle position. Then looking through the viewfinder should be sharp. If the view finder isn't sharp but your photos are maybe something got out of position in the viewfinder, like the focusing screen.


Are the green numbers in the viewfinder sharp with your glasses on and diopter wheel at middle?

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

The green numbers are sharp and the knob has ended up on the minus side +/- one click.

OK. So, if the numbers are sharp and your downloaded photos are sharp but you don't see sharp images in the viewfiner it sounds like something may have happened to your focusing screen or mirror alignment.


There is a discussion about that at the top of this thread.


If you talk to your optomitrist they should be able to tell you the diopter of your glasses. Then you could choose th right diopter to add to the viewfinder to allow you to not wear your glasses.


For example, my glasses are a +6. I use a +3 diopter and set the camera to full + (which is +3) so +3 plus +3 is +6.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Thankyou, I will give that a try.

@jrhoffman75 wrote:

If you are wearing your glasses you should set the camera diopter wheel at the middle position. Then looking through the viewfinder should be sharp. If the view finder isn't sharp but your photos are maybe something got out of position in the viewfinder, like the focusing screen.


Are the green numbers in the viewfinder sharp with your glasses on and diopter wheel at middle?


Just an observation.  I wear glasses, but I must still adjust the diopter.  I have gotten older, and so I have glasses for special purposes.  I must wear one pair or the other at all times because I am terribly near sighted.


I have “reading glasses” to see things that are close up.  When I wear these, it is as if I were near sighted.  So, I have to make a diopter adjustment to bring the viewfinder into better focus.  


When I wear my “driving glasses” to see things far away, it is as if I were far sighted.  Now I have to make a diopter adjustment to bring the viewfinder display into better focus.

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