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7D Mark 2 "busy" during Wi-fi remote shutter mode


So I just plugged in my new W-E1 Wi-fi card, I follow all the instructions and I can connect to it with my phone with no problem. I can even access the pictures on camera and download them too my phone via the Canon Camera Connect app. However when I attempt to go into the live view remote shutter mode it hangs and shows "busy" on both the rear lcd and the phone app. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to remedy this situation? Thanks in advance!


- Ian



Hello tehroxors, 

We recommend un-installing the application from any affected device.  Then, hard reset your device and then reinstall the application with the latest update applied.  Does the issue still persist?

Are any other camera functions in-operational? 

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I went back and forth with tech support through email, it was determined the issue is with the app and not the camera.

Which device are you talking about? The camera itself or the phone?

Hello, I am using an iPhone 6S with the latest iOS version 10.3.2. My camera is the 7D Mark II with firmware 1.1.1. I previously had firmware 1.0.5, and had to upgrade the firmware to enable the use of the WiFi adapter W-E1. I followed Canon's instructions to the point when upgrading while connected with the USB cable to a Mac. I removed the WiFi adapter prior to performing the firmware upgrade, and installed it again after the upgrade was finished successfully. When trying to establish a connection through my WiFi network, everything seems to work OK right until confirming the IP settings, after which I get the message "Busy! Please wait..." on the camera. I have tried the suggested uninstall of the app, hard resetting the phone and reinstalling the latest version of the app, but this did not work either.

By the way, I have now logged this issue with Canon Support locally here i Norway. Will let you know when I have a reply from them.

 Hello tehroxors,


Canon USA released a Service Notice today (May 18, 2017) regarding this issue. Please click to read the notice.


You'll also find support contact information on the Service Notice.

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Reverting back to firmware 1.1.0 worked for me. Thanks.

How do you do that? Just install on sd card and select older firmware?

When downloading the firmware, you also get a folder with the install instructions. I followed the part where you connect the camera to the computer, and install the firmware directly to the camera via EOS Utility. And yes, it was just to select the older firmware and otherwise just follow the prosedure.