70D choppy/jerky video


Hi, recently I got Canon 70D mostly to use it to make videos.

When I watched the videos they were choppy/jerky. I opened it in Windows Media Player, than i downloaded QuickTime and the same problem. I tried open it in Adobe Premiere and exported for YouTube H.264 avi (I always used this for my videos), and It didnt help. Video was still choppy/jerky.

I doubt my computer is too slow:
INTEL I7-3820 3.6 GHZ



I use Windows 7 Proffesional, I tryied QuickTime7 (the newest one on apple website), Adobe Premiere Pro CS 6


Please help

PS. I hope my English is good enough to describe my problem


Maybe you are using the wrong shutter speed? 


Check out this link:  Frame Rate Vs. Shutter Speed

Mike Sowsun

Wow! I'd have thought it would be easy to identify your concern but you're right, language opens and closes doors. Glad to hear you worked out the puzzle for us.

BTW I thought your English was excellent.

Huh I wish to speak excellent English... 🙂


Thanks for the link. I'll play with the camera a little bit more, but so far I'm little bit disappointed of the 70D video capabilities.

If the 70D would have 1080 60fps then it would be just perfect.


I had the same problem with my 70D camera. It would run smooth mostly and then jerk every once in a while. What I discovered is that it is not the computer, or the card. It still does it even when the camera is not writing to the card. I found that it is inherent the camera when using anything other than manual mode. The camera needs to adjust the shutter speed and/or the aperture opening to adjust for different light levels and so it will stutter when it needs to shift. When recording video in full manual the video is smooth. The drawback is that it will not adjust to different light levels. This is mainly a problem when shooting indoors or in low light. I'm still trying to see if there is a good compromise.Hope this helps.

FINALLY!!! Your comment was perfect! It's really not the card, because the symptom happens without a card in the camera. Your response totally makes sense! Thanks! Oh...and has their been a firmware update? Or is this part of the design?
