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6D Markii auto-focus issues


I was wondering if anyone might have any insight in an issue I have been having with a 6Dmii that I purchased at the end of August. I have been a long time Canon user and previously was using the Canon 6D as my main body (still have it). When I upgraded to the Markii I was excited for the fast frame rate and focus points. However, every lens that I use on the new body needs to be micro-adjusted, and not just by 2-3 clicks, it is requiring a negative 9-11 adjustment for each lens which I would consider excessive. All the same lenses work perfect with no adjustments needed on my old 6D body.

List of lenses:
Tamron 24-70f2.8
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD
Canon 100-400 f4.5-5.6 (Mark i)
Sigma Art 50mm f1.4

I have used online micro-adjustment tutorials to adjust each lens and am still noticing very slow speeds in AI Servo mode. My 6D has a much higher percentage of in-focus images with a subject that is moving quickly towards the camera. The Markii has been very frustrating to use, especially when I have the Marki that I have had no issues with that I can compare side by side.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Awesome. Thanks for the info. Do you think this is an individual camera issue or a broad issue? I’m very frustrated and hate thinking of keeping a camera that will be so inconsistent. Are you any happier with yours?

I'm sure it depends on the company's return policy. I explained the situation and they allowed me to return it. I was most definitely grateful! 🙂

I’m planning to call them tomorrow and see! Thanks for the advice. Do you mind me asking what body you have now? This was my upgrade from a 6D which I loved. I’m a little lost as to how I would replace it and with what if I do return!

I just did some further tests, there has been no improvement, I still have to micro-adjust by 10-11 on each lens. Very dissapointing to experience this with such an expensive body, especially when I was so happy with the original 6D. If you can still somehow return yours, I would highly recommend it. 

This is extremely frustrating. I contacted the company I originally purchased from and they said I am now out of the return eligibility period, but they offered to replace again for free so I sent it in today. I will update when the new body comes, but I am skeptical. The interesting thing is I have a friend with a 6D2 who I got together with. We shot with it equipment, then swapped lenses and shot some more. Under the same circumstances her camera had no issues. I wish canon would recognize this and issue some kind of recall. Can others with this problem list where they purchased from?dis a bad batch of cameras get sent form some single distributor? I’m honestly shocked more people aren’t affected. I’m also disappointed as I’m not sure what other body I would want if I end up getting rid of the new 6D2, I am very sad I sold my 6D now but it seems silly to go back.

In the days before AF microadjustment was available in firmware Canon service would take your lenses and body and adjust them; I had that done shortly after I bought my 1DM2 and several lenses in 2005.  


For those of you experiencing this issue have you questioned Canon service whether they would check the camera with your lenses?  It might keep them from sending back a body that still doesn't work well for you.  Of course that isn't going to be something they will do with third party lenses.


I just went through the AF adjustment check with my recently purchased 1DX M2 and the seven Canon lenses I have had since 2005 and the most any of them needed was a 2 point offset.  If multiple lenses are needing a large offset it sounds like the issue is still in the body and although inconvenient to send a lense in as part of service maybe doing so will result in a real fix to the body.  Just a thought to maybe help some of you provide a resolution to the problem as I would be very frustrated also if I had such a major AF issue with a new camera body.


I was frustrated enough finding that the Canon E1 hand strap I liked so much on my 1DM2 has turned into the E2 which isn't as wide and doesn't provide the same feel as the old E1.  I would steal the E1 off my 1DM2 body but I am giving that camera to my daughter so that wouldn't be nice.  After nearly ending up with a  counterfeit E1 strap via ebay I found a nice new unused real Canon strap which is on the way.  Being disappointed by the fit of a hand strap is bad enough and doesn't come close to the bad experience of owning a camera which is equipped with an excellent AF system that isn't working properly.

EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

Received a second 6d mark ii and seems to be working fine! fingers crossed!!

So glad to hear this!! Do you mind me asking when your purchased your first and where from? I’m praying my THIRD body is the charm

Purchased first one just before Thanksgiving and the second one at the beginning of February - both from Beach Camera.

Good luck!!

Funny enough I have have exact issue and I’m fed up. My wedding sessions are coming up with some terrible photos. I have to take multiple of the same poses to insure I get ONE good photo. I don’t know what to do. 
