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5Dm4 Scene intelligent auto sharpness

hi everyone. I have discovered that I get much sharper pictures when using seen intelligent auto. I’ve set my camera up on a tripod in M and used the exact same Aperture, shutter speed and ISO as SIA used and yet my pics are softer. I do not understand what SIA is manipulating beyond those three settings to achieve the sharpness, but I want to try to make use of it in manual where I have some creative control. I cannot imagine a more technical question but I’m hoping somebody has an answer. Thanks


Take a look at the table starting on page 536 of your manual and it shows exactly what settings are manipulated by SIA.  I suspect you are seeing the results of it choosing a picture style automatically that provides more sharpening than what you are using with your manual settings but it is also choosing AF points for you which is something else that could be a factor.


Are you shooting RAW or JPG?  If RAW, then the camera is just telling what defaults the RAW converter should apply for various conversion parameters giving you full control over those in post unlike JPG.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

I had considered that. Most of those parameters are for JPegs I agree so I shot Both in RAW. Threw both on screen and there is definitely a difference in sharpness.

The picture style specified by the camera will be used to set the default parameters for that RAW file in your RAW processing program.  Compae what parameters (style, sharpness, etc.) is being used in DPP between the SIA and your manual setting.  I leave picture style set to standard in my camera bodies and make a choice when processing with DPP.  I suspect that your default picture style setting is differing from what the SIA is applying.


Just because you shoot in RAW doesn't mean the camera doesn't send processing preferences as metadata with the file, it just means you can change those preferences at will during processing with the RAW file and not lose any information.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video


First, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO are exposure settings, which theoretically have little to no impact on sharpness, most especially if you are shooting from a quality tripod.  What is your target or subject?


What AF point(s) are you using?  Try selecting just the center.  What AF mode are you using?  Try One Shot AF mode, and Single Shot drive mode.


FYI, the green square mode, [A+], uses AI Focus AF mode, and has all AF points enabled. The most experienced photographers will almost never use AI Focus, because it introduces delays as the camera tries to figure if the subject is moving or not.


I use just the center AF point, with Single Shot drive mode, for still subjects.  I use all of the AF points enabled in AI Servo tracking mode, using the center as starting AF point and Continuous Shooting drive mode, for most action photography.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Good point.
I used a variety of subjects- tree bark, rabbit, Robin. I first noticed the difference when I shot a bald eagle at extreme distance on a branch. I was shocked because I had never achieved such sharpness and clarity on that burn on that branch before. It reminded me of the kind of results that I see from the Nikon D 500s D850s which are always kicking my butt.
I’ll run another series of test shots because I may have used AI servo on a still subject.

Out of curiousity, what lens are you using?  I assume that you are using a quality tripod for a camera of that weight.

"The right mouse button is your friend."

Big glass. Sigma 500/4 on a gitzo 1526 tripod. Both are monsters. I suspect it’s an AF myself.
The eagle shot was an eye opener because I recall both being AI Focus

Thanks Rodger,
I was under the impression that the picture style only effects the jpeg and the RAW file was whatever you make of it is post.

You are welcome and Standard is the preferred style as default, this is the style Canon typically uses to provide their camera burst/maximum file rated performance in RAW.  I turn off all of the options (NR, lens correction, etc.) in camera and use those as needed during post to save time/battery life.


Again, I am not familiar with the 5DIV but I suspect scene intelligent is also choosing what it thinks is the best AF servo "case" when in servo mode which may be a better choice than the default Servo AF parameter setup (Case 1 unless you changed it)



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video