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1300 D showing busy

It was showing busy, if i try caputure on live disply how to solve this please let me know, model cannon 1300D


Sorry, but you need to provide more info.  In order to understand your problem, people need to understand the circumstances that exist before, during, aafter your issue appears.


For example.  When does it show busy?  What is the shooting mode on the top dial?  Are shooting JPEG or RAW?

There are a couple of noise reduction settings that can cause the busy message.  These include Peripheral Illumination Correction, Auto Lighting Optimizer, Red Eye Reduction.


If the camera makes extensive use of the strobe assist beam to focus, this can run down the charge on the flash, which causes the camera to pause until the flash is ready to fire at full charge.  BTW, weak batteries can cause flash recharging delays.  


If you are saving your images as JPEGs, this is when all of the on-camera filtering and image enhancements kick in.  When you shoot RAW, exposure and filtering settings are stored within the image file, but not applied by the camera.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."



can you please check above YouTube link video, which I am facing same trouble

@manchulive wrote:



can you please check above YouTube link video, which I am facing same trouble

Okay, let's try this one more time.  Your video does not answer any of the questions I asked, so I am gong to ignore it.

The guy in the video is doing all of the wrong stuff that I cited above.  He doesn't have sufficient light, using the flash, the flash assist beam, he's too close, and he's focusing at a blank wall, which he does not do when he switches to Live View.


If you are doing what he is doing, then I suggest that you read the Instruction Manual section about troubleshooting, where you find the same cautions that I cited above.  That's best answer I can provide with the information that you have provided.  Sorry.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

anyway i will check, thanks for your kind information, 

There are a few reasons why a DSLR "won't take pictures."  How experienced are you with using DSLRs?  The common cause for a camera to not take a photo is operator error.


  1. Insufficient light for the camera to focus, which seems less likely with a 5D4.
  2. Subject is too close and within the MFD, minimum focusing distance, of the lens.
  3. Some lenses have focusing mode switches, which can significantly increase the MFD.
  4. Not enough contrast at the selected AF point.


No doubt, there are other reasons that can be cited.  Of course, you could really have a camera failure.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."