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Why is my EF 24-105 with IS on so noisy, even with external attached mic? Hard to record clean audio


I'm trying to record audio while shooting video with my 5D Mark III, EF 24-105  IS on.  Even with a external attached directional mic I pick up the sound of the IS.  Is this normal or do I just have a very noisy IS system in my lens?  I shoot hand held so it sure would be nice to utilize the IS system.



I don't shoot video but the IS used in that lens is for stationary objects, not panning. I think you'll get poor results by using it based on my forgetting to turn it off once while shooting motorsports.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

The video looks great useing the IS it's the audio from the noisy IS that is the problem.

Have you tried shooting a similar video without using the IS? If so and the results aren't as good I'll be very interested in how you're able to use IS while following the scene & movements in it.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."