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Tripod Collar seized on 100-400 ii


Has anyone out there had the tripod collar on the 100-400 ii seize up? Mine won't budge. I've tried everything I can think of and just wondered if anyone else has had success getting it to move.


I've got a workshop coming up in 3 weeks and don't have the time to ship it off for repair.


@ivejar wrote:
I don't want to remove it. I just want to rotate it so that I can shoot portrait when using my monopod. It won't budge, but it is supposed to rotate similar to the 70-200.

Not exactly like the 70-200mm.  Here is page 15, which is referenced in the above illustration.




It is supposed to offer some resistance, and not turn smoothy and continously.  It is supposed to click as it turns. 


Here I was, planning to go and pick up one of these tomorrow from my favorite superstore.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks all, but my collar won't rotate even a little. I've loosened the knob all the way, even removed it to see if some dirt might have gotten in, but it will not rotate. My sister had this lens also. Her collar rotates just fine, so I know there is a problem with mine. I was hoping someone here might have an idea that I've not tried.

Thank you for taking the time to post the diagram. I did try mounting it to the monopod and my tripod. The locking knob rotated fine, but somehow it was jammed tight. 


When I took it into the shop they pulled another one out and it rotates quite freely when the knob is loose, so there is definitely a problem with the collar. 

I understand the collar does not come off, but it should rotate and for some reason mine is stuck. 


Again, thank you all for your responses. It's now at Canon repair facility. I'll post an update when I hear from them.

ivejar, can you update as to the solution of this problem? I've just encountered the same issue. Bob

I still do not know what happened to the collar, but believe I damaged it further trying to get it loose, so don't go there. Luckily I had insurance because the lens had to be repaired by Canon, took a month to get it back at a cost of almost $700.


@ivejar wrote:

I still do not know what happened to the collar, but believe I damaged it further trying to get it loose, so don't go there. Luckily I had insurance because the lens had to be repaired by Canon, took a month to get it back at a cost of almost $700.

Beware of overtightening the collar locking screw.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Mine no longer rotates easily. And yes I know how to use it. This lens is now more than 7 years old. It has been used more times than I can count. Recently, it became difficult to turn. Everything has been loosened before some says it. It feels like dirt is in the ring. Since it is used on baseball fields, it is very possible. Since Canon no longer services this lens, anyone know of a way of cleaning the ring without dismantling the lens?
