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The 10-22 lens


I have a EOS Rebel T2-1 with the following Canon EF-S lenses:  18-55, 60 (macro), and 55-250 mm.  I am looking into purchasing the EF-S 10-22 mm wide angle lens.  How much greater capacity will that provide - what will that enable me to do that the 18-55 does not and is that the lens used for architectural photography?


well, for one it's much wider (really wide). Second, it's optically superior. if you run into situation where 18mm is not wide enough, then 10mm is a whole new world. Extreme wide angle lens is kind of tricky for architecture due to distortion or optical effect such as keystone. But yes, the 10-20mm lens is good for indoor architecture shoot especially in tight places such as bathroom.
Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

There is no comparison between the 18-55 and the 10-22.   The 10-22 has become my second most favorite lens.  

For indoor shots, parties, street  etc., it can't be beat.  

+1 to everything said above.  For going wide on a crop sensor it's pretty much a no brainer.  If you're doing "true" architectural photography it'll take some work in post to get all your lines rectalinear, but the lens distortion is quite manageable.  For just "getting it all in", it's fine straight out of camera.  It's also really fun with novelty shots.  The only bad thing I could say about it is that it can't be used on Full Frame, but if you don't intend on getting a FF right now, then I wouldn't worry about it.  The lens has traditionally had great resell value, though that may change with the price drop.


It used to be an $7-800 lens, and although a bit expensive, still worth it IMHO (though I used it as a working lens, so it was an easy justification).  However, the price recently got knocked down to $600, which is pretty **bleep** good.

Unfortunately, there is really no lens that is wide enough on the crop sensor and compatible with FF also.
Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

@hsbn wrote:
Unfortunately, there is really no lens that is wide enough on the crop sensor and compatible with FF also.

Yeah, obviously a lens that is ultra-wide on a crop won’t work on FF.  I meant that $800 is a lot to spend on a lens that can’t be used if you use both systems or intend on switching to FF.

The good news is that the price is down to $600.  I have had this camera for a while but never had an opportunity to explore its capabilities so that I do not plan to switch to a FF soon.  I am hoping to have some time soon to spend a lot of time shooting with the camera - I have to become a lot more comfortable with various types of shooting - night shooting, macro, etc., use of filters, etc.  That is why I asked about the 10-22, which the reviews seem to all be positive.


I appreciate all of the comments I have received - thanks!
