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RF800mm F11 IS STM Images do not seem sharp...ringing around image


I am new to Canon products and recently purchased an R5 with the the RF 800 fixed f11 lens.  I have been shooting birds over the past few months.   I have been comparing my shots to those I see posted on line and it seems I am not able to get the sharp focus that I see others getting.  I am using the animal eye focus setting, I am shooting at  shutter speeds of  between 1000 and 2000, my ISO is usually never above 2000.   I have the image stabilization engaged and I most recently used a tripod.   When I zoom into my images, I see a little "ringing" around the outside of the birds and birds eyes.   Someone said I should use Topaz AI sharpen to get sharper images, but I am thinking that should not be necessary.  Is it possible that the lens is out of calibration or am I still doing something wrong?  I also have an R 25 - 105 lens and photos are super sharp. Any advice would be appreciated. 


@wq9nsc wrote:

I do use high quality protective filters on all of my lenses that will accept one.  In addition to protection, when hiking or shooting sports I don't hesitate to do a quick wipe of the filter during the action if something gets on it which is something I wouldn't do carelessly with the actual lens front element.




Keeping the front element clean is THE main reason that I use a B+W Clear filter on all of my lenses.  I, too, would rather wipe off the filter, or even change it in extreme cases.


There is a lot stuff floating around in the air when you are in the woods, or at many types of sporting events.  I would rather carry a second body than change lenses in the field for that exact reason.  Keeps the image sensor clean.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."