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How much longer will EF be around?


I know photography is more than just gear, and a lens that was great 5 years ago didn't get worse just because newer better ones are out, but I fear that if I don't sell my EF lenses soon they'll become worthless when everyone and their dog have moved on to the RF mount. I don't shoot professionally and I'm not made of money, so I'd rather not have to write off all the money I spent on EF lenses if I can avoid some of the loss by selling them while they're still worth something.


"How would an "R" lens stay out of the way of the mirror on a 1DX4?"


I don't know.  Why don't you ask a Canon design engineer.  Your assumption Canon will use the exact same 1 series body is short sighted. The clear meaning is the next or very soon next 1 series or pro series will not be EF.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"How would an "R" lens stay out of the way of the mirror on a 1DX4?"


I don't know.  Why don't you ask a Canon design engineer.  Your assumption Canon will use the exact same 1 series body is short sighted. The clear meaning is the next or very soon next 1 series or pro series will not be EF.

OK, Ernie, I'm unsurprised by the implication that the R5 isn't "pro" enough for you because it doesn't have a "1" in its name.


So let's say that Canon does come up with a suitably named "pro" mirrorless. I think most of us would agree that it won't be called the "1DX Mark IV". My bet is on "R1". The 1DX4, if it ever exists, will be a DSLR.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

@RobertTheFat wrote:

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"How would an "R" lens stay out of the way of the mirror on a 1DX4?"


I don't know.  Why don't you ask a Canon design engineer.  Your assumption Canon will use the exact same 1 series body is short sighted. The clear meaning is the next or very soon next 1 series or pro series will not be EF.

The 1DX4, if it ever exists, will be a DSLR.

Within the past 12 months, or so, we have seen new DSLRs in each of the three major categories: entry, mid-range, and pro.  I think we have seen the last new DSLR from Canon.  Moving forward, all new cameras will probably be mirrorless.


"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Whay are some so hung up on the name?  The bottom line is as stated, "I think we have seen the last new DSLR from Canon."

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

"...let's say that Canon does come up with a suitably named "pro" mirrorless. I think most of us would agree that it won't be called the "1DX Mark IV". My bet is on "R1". The 1DX4, if it ever exists, will be a DSLR."


The name, 1 series, in this case, Robert, is a style of camera. The 1 series has defined what a pro level camera should be.  Whatever the next "1"series type camera is called, who knows?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Enlighten us, oh wise one. Why does the possibility of a pro-grade mirrorless expressly and exclusively indicate that the next EOS 1(whatever) will be RF mount? Why wouldn't they (as they have in the past) used the R designation (as in the new EOS R1D) to indicate a mirrorless body/mount? It seems that is the convention they have chosen thus far...

@scottwuerch wrote:

Enlighten us, oh wise one. Why does the possibility of a pro-grade mirrorless expressly and exclusively indicate that the next EOS 1(whatever) will be RF mount? Why wouldn't they (as they have in the past) used the R designation (as in the new EOS R1D) to indicate a mirrorless body/mount? It seems that is the convention they have chosen thus far...

Actually, it's your turn to enlighten us. Because we've never heard of the new EOS R1D.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

That's "as in the (ficticious) R1D" that Canon could be announcing rather than the EOS 1DX Mark IV with an RF mount lens (that's quite the mouthful). With the R6, R5 (prosumer grade mirrorless) recently starting the R series would make sense that a top of the line, pro-grade mirrorless would be an R1 (whatever). It would be in keeping with what Canon has done for decades...I'm just not convinced by anything I've read from Canon, (or in the trade press) that they are ready to change the mount on their pro-grade DSLR series to an RF mount. The EF mount has been tied to the EOS SLR and DSLR line since autofocus was placed on a Canon SLR...If you're reading something else, let me know, but I sure have not seen anything that would back up that a complete elimination of the EF system is eminent. In fact, the last article I read from DP Review on the R-series cameras, that included a person from Canon, seemed to postulate that both systems have their strong points and that Canon was not looking at eliminating either system. That they can co-exist. I could always be wrong...and I'm always ready to listen to evidence...just not conjecture on the part of some camera owners who have a "gut feeling" that something bad is going to happen. See it in the press shout it out...but until I see a formal announcement from someone who has Canon business cards in their wallet...I'm gonna quote Mark Twain (with liberal editing) "The reports of the death of the EF lens system are greatly exagerated." 

"...I'm just not convinced by anything I've read from Canon, (or in the trade press) that they are ready to change the mount on their pro-grade DSLR series to an RF mount..."


Unlike other companies that update camera bodies every 12-18 months, Canon typically updates bodies every 2-3 years, and even longer for the top tier cameras.  


As I just pointed out above, Canon has released new DSLR bodies over the last 12 months in every category: entry level, mid-range, and high end.  Let's ignore mirrorless bodies for a moment.  Canon would probably not update those DSLR bodies for at least 2-3 years.  Let's call it 2022 to 2023 before we should expect to see any updated bodies.  I would not expect to see a 1Dx Mark IV until 2024.


Meanwhile, the mirrorless market is having a flame war.  Canon does not have a flagship mirrorless camera body, yet.  I serioiiusly doubt if Canon would wait until after they released a 1Dx Makr IV, which they won't, before they released a flagship mirrorless camera body.  


Like I said, I think Canon is done with releasing new DSLR bodies, not even Rebels.  I think the M Series will become the replacement for the Rebel line.  Right now, the EOS M mount and EOS RF mount are not compatible because [of their similar flange distances.  


However, when you take into account the difference in the diameter of the mounts, you will notice that the an EOS M mount lens is almost small enough to fit inside of the EOS RF mount.  An EOS-M to EOS-RF mount adapter is almost possible without adding correcting lens(es) to such an adapter.



"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Thanks for sharing valuable information.It will help everyone.keep Post. (Link removed as per forum guidelines) 
