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Canon EOS R6 Compatibility Issue with Samyang RF Mount 85mm f/1.4 Lens


I own a Canon EOS R6 and Samyang RF mount 85mm f/1.4 lens. The lens was going great, but as of now, the camera has a "busy" problem when shooting only with the Samyang RF mount lens and not with the native Canon RF lenses. I have the firmware Version 1.8.1 on my Canon R6 and for the Samyang RF lens, the firmware is Version 3 [which supports - Support IBIS (In-body Image Stabilizer) - Improved High-Speed Continuous Shooting (H, H+) - Improved Movie DIS (Digital IS)]. So, I want to know if it's because of the firmware update of the camera that the lens is not able to communicate properly, because it is an issue for me as I tend to shoot weddings with this lens and it gets busy right at the important events. So, any solutions for this? I am using the lens for its beautiful bokeh, crisp focus, and also it's very good for portraits.


#canonr6, #samyang, #samyangRF85mmf/1.4, #r6



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I was not aware that Samyang had released any RF mount lenses, especially lenses that are supposed to communicate with the camera body.  

Is your lens similar to this fully manual lens from Rokinon?  This lens has no contacts in its mount.  Canon is only permitting fully manual lenses as of this writing, or at least AFAIK.


Rokinon and Samyang are practically one and the same company.  I believe Samyang may have released an autofocus lens with built-in image stabilization, but were forced to pull it from store shelves about two years ago.

Why?   Why were Samyang and other companies forced to pull RF mount gear from store shelves?  Because the gear did not work as claimed and users were blaming Canon.

I suspect that you could have one the products that was removed from stores.  I suggest that you contact Rokinon as to what it is that you should do.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I wasn't aware either. 

I have the autofocus version samyang RF mount 85mm f/1.4, and it works completely fine, until I updated my firmware to the latest, I think canon forced samyang to stop producing the rf glass, which in turn stopped samyang from releasing the firmware.

I have also seen the Samyang lens for RF mount with AF. A quick internet search finds an announcement of the lens on a large popular camera website from May 2020, but it is not on the Samyang website any more. Now only a manual focus version is available. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

@sanathsp wrote:

I have the autofocus version samyang RF mount 85mm f/1.4, and it works completely fine, until I updated my firmware to the latest, I think canon forced samyang to stop producing the rf glass, which in turn stopped samyang from releasing the firmware.

Like I said, all third party RF mount lenses that communicated with the cameras for AF or IS were pulled from the market.  Contact Samyang for the best advice.

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"Enjoying photography since 1972."