Canon 24-70mm f2.8 ii flex cable ribbon problem again


I have a couple of these lenses and I do really love them. They are the work horse in my stable of glass.

That being said, this is the 3rd lens now that has failed with the ERR code communication problem. I have had this happen a couple times before so was able to trouble shoot the issue and know that its the flex cable ribbon that is bad inside the lens.

It will work perfectly as long as you shoot at 2.8 (the wide open aperture setting). As soon as you change it and the lens needs to change the aperture for a image, it fails. 

Now, this is the 3rd  time with 2 different lenses that I've had to send them in for this repair. It would seem to me that this is a defect in the lens and I should not hae to pay for it. Or... Canon needs to use better parts so this does not keep happing over and over again.

Yes I use the lenses a lot. And yes, they are out of the warranty period. That being said, they should step up and repair without quesion. The have to know that this is an issue with the lens. 

Anybody else experiencing the same issue with their Canon 24-70mm f2.8 ii?

107 REPLIES 107

And , thousands upon thousands without it. Just sayin' both sides. 😉

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Just an update... I continue to get the error with the lens. Just gave up posting it over and over again. Back in April 2021, I made a trip to BHPhoto in NY and picked up a couple Canon R6's and lenses. Making the transition over to the new mirrorless world. 

I do use the adaptor for my stable of lenses. EF to RF adaptor... and continue to get errros from time to time but also have RF lenses that work perfectly. 

Don't rellay want to continue to deal with this issue and convince people that it's not me. I don't think most of the people in this thread use the lens as much as some of us do. Seems like those who do use it heavily... have the issue. 

Don't mean to be disrepectful to those of you who post and don't have the problem. But the main person posting against everything I said on this thread... doesn't use it much.  It's a great lens for light use I guess.... that's not me.

PS: and there he goes again... lots of opinions and not a lot of real world experience or use with it. Im done.


I ended up giving up on the lens after 3 errors and over $1,000 in repairs. Last time I repaired it and sold it afterwards. Same as you I used it for professional work around 2,000-3,000 photos per weekend documenting weddings. I actually asked one of my 2nd shooters that has the same lens if she has had problems with it and she did! Same problem so far only once, she's shoots around the same amount of photos per week.

In the end I bought the Sigma version which after using it for a couple months I really like it it is amazing not as others say, the only thing is that it is heavier which you can feel after a few hours but it compensates by having image stabilizer which is good for indoor reception at night.

I have considered moving to mirrorless but not ready, I still enjoy working with the 5D mkIV, I'll wait as long as possible.



I’m having this issue as well.... I’ve used this lens very often.... and have taken great care of it.  Somehow, it looks new.  However, this issue is a known one, obviously... and I just got a $400+ estimate on a repair for my 24-70 AFTER ordering a 28-70 F2 for my R3.  I’ve been shooting for about a decade professionally with canon, and this is unacceptable.  This should be on Canon.


My Dad has 3 that have failed. I have 2 that have failed. They were all purchased years apart and it is not the oldest ones failing first, it seems to be very random.

Judging by the amount of replacement apertures that sell on eBay, this is somewhat common.


I just received another one of my 3 lenses back from repair. Im using them less and less as I'm slowly changing over to my R5 and R6 bodies with RF lenses. 

Been using my RF 15-35 F2.8 and RF 24-70 F2.8 mainly these days. Great lenses so far. 

Time will tell. 

SIde Note: I've been using my 2 EF 70-200 F2.8 lenses for probably 10 years without a single issue.


I bought this lens end November 2016. I'm a serious amateur user and haven't used this lens a lot. I have six other L lenses as well as a 5Ds and EOSr so that makes me less of a hobbyist. The ribbon failed last year and Canon charged me just short of $600 Australian. I think it's a design fault. For what it's worth, this lens is now sold with a five year Canon Warranty.


its not only you. It happened to me too. Same lens vii. I am in Brazil on a photo expedition. GREAT JOB CANON THANKS for totally failing me! Now what? I am furious and they would love to charge me 400 bucks to fix this i am sure!! This has really damaged my faith in Canon! Any tech support guys wishing to help me PLEASE restore my faith! 

Wow this thread is still going huh.. 
After the last time my 24-70 broken I decided to just move over to Canon mirrorless. So far the RF 24-70 has been create, no issues. Lets hope that the problem was resolved with these new models.
