scanner problems using windows 8 and canon pixma mx432. printer is set up but wont scan


I have my printer installed on my computer already but the scanning function is not even coming up to be able to use it. I recently was given a new computer and it has windows 8 on it. it took a lot to get it to even be installed on the computer but the scanner portion won't work. When I bring it up it has the section where the scanner should be but nothing is there to push. What can I do to get this function working correctly?


Rising Star

Hi atellez1982,


With Windows 8, first, make sure the proper drivers are installed.  Your Windows 8 drivers can be downloaded from our website.


From the website, you should also download and install the scan utility, MP Navigator EX 5.1.0.  After installing the program, start it up and follow the on-screen steps to perform a scan.  


If you have any other questions about scanning or using the utility, please feel free to Contact Us!

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All the drivers for 4350D and MF4690 and a few more models I owned in a few more offices have the scanner bug in the drivers for Windows 8. No new drivers been released to fix the problem all those scanners I owned have. Now Canon just put the Windows 8_Notice_ENG inside the driver package and includes the [Limitations During Operation] that says:

When using the scan function while the device is connected to a computer by USB, removing the USB cable and then
plugging it back in or turning the device off and then on will cause the scanning function to be unable to execute. If this
occurs, please restart the computer.


Seriously, Canon? Restart the computer everytime it doesn't work, and I have to go through the hazzle saving all the files I am working on just to restart to get the scanner to work? I have tried to mod the newer drivers for MF4770n and a few new models to make it work with those 4350D 4690 models, it will then detect the scanner without restart, but the scanner won't produce a readale image using my modified drivers. Now stick with VM Player running Windows 7 to scan the files with those old scanners. I won't buy another Canon scanners for my future needs if Canon just can't fix the Windows 8 driver problems all those scanners I owned.


This does not work. I spent money to get what I thought was a good printer/scanner/copier and it no longer works? Canon needs to make an update to get this going. How can it be connected to my comptuer to print, but it says it's not connected when I try to scan? Seriously, I could have saved some money and just bought a cheaper throw away. Highly disappointed in Canon products once again.
